I never wrote for Star Trek: Enterprise. Let's get that clear straight from the off. However, for a long time the Star Trek franchise did have an open door to script submissions. So, when Enterprise was running, I thought why not give it a go? and I wrote a few scripts to see how they went.I had written three or four, in different styles when I read that the open door for submissions was now closed. I can't remember if it just closed or if word came that the show was cancelled. It was disappointing but an interesting thing to have done. And now, I am inflicting them on you. Read at your own peril. And I apologise for the terrible title.
Star Trek and Enterprise are all copyright to Paramount and I claim no copyright on them. These are just for information.
ARCHER (VO)Captain’s starlog, supplemental. When we left Earth, it was as explorers.Our mission was to peacefully expand our knowledge of the universeand to make contact with any species we met.
INT. ARCHER’S CABIN.Fade in to Archer alone in his cabin.
ARCHERWe’ve had some battles along the way. We expected that. Some races havereacted badly to us, some have been aggressive, but this is the first time we’veencountered a species so completely xenophobic. We’d been in contact with thegovernment of the planet Chellan for a week. They were as curious about us aswe were about them. They were friendly people and I’d spent a lot of time talkingwith their President by sub-space.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Archer is talking to the President of the planet Chellan on the screen.
PRESIDENTHow soon will you be in orbit around Chellan, Captain Archer? You and your creware all more than welcome to visit the surface.
ARCHERAround three hours, Mr President.
TRIPSome shore leave gets my vote.
TRAVISAnd mine.
T’POLThe opportunity to experience a new culture would be agreeable.
ARCHERYou’ve certainly got my crew looking forward to our visit, Mr President.
PRESIDENTMy people are just as eager, captain. They’re glad to know that there arefriendly races out there in the universe as well as the less pleasant oneswe’ve encountered.
ARCHERWe’ll do our best.
T’Pol’s instruments bleep.
ARCHERWhat is?
From on screen comes a loud rumble and the picture begins to shake, distortand break up. T’Pol is moving around her instruments quickly. Something serious.
PRESIDENTCaptain Archer. I don’t know what’s hap…
Picture fritzes and disappears.
ARCHERGet it back.
HOSHII’m trying.
T’POLIt’s gone.
HOSHII’m trying to get it back.
T’POLNot the signal. The planet.
On screen, a space-scape is shown. There’s a flare of light as the planet explodes.
T’POLInitial scans show that the planet has been completely destroyed.
Debris and a shockwave move away from the space the planet used to fill. It’s utterly destroyed. The Enterprise crew look on in horror.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Bridge crew are watching the explosion on screen.
ARCHERHow can the planet be gone?
T’POLUnknown, captain.
ARCHERCould there be any survivors? In orbit? On a moon?
T’POLUnlikely. Anything in proximity to Chellan would have been destroyed bythe shockwave.
ARCHERWe’ll look anyway.
TRIPIt’s going to be a bumpy trip through that shockwave.
ARCHERThen we’ll get shaken up a little. Hoshi, did any of the broadcasts forChellan give a hint that there was anything wrong? Seismic activity, anything.
HOSHINothing, sir.
ARCHERT’Pol? Your instruments registered something just before... before welost the transmission from the planet.
T’POLThe scanners detected some kind of disturbance of Chellan’s magnetic field.The planet’s poles went into flux, reversing polarity and moving position constantly.
ARCHERHow is that possible?
T’POLI don’t know, captain.
ARCHER (sharply)Find out. I want to know what happened.
T’POLYes, captain.
ARCHERTravis, give us everything she’s got.
Archer stares at the screen.
INT. ARCHER’S QUARTERS.He is recording his log.
ARCHERThe destruction of Chellan has shocked the crew. It’s shocked me. I can hardlybelieve that a world of nearly four billion people could be destroyed so quicklyand with so little warning. The fact that I was talking to the President when theplanet exploded – I’m not sure how to express how that has disturbed me. I’veseen people killed before. But four billion people?
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Fade into bridge. Crew at work. All a bit edgy. Archer joins T’Pol at her station.
T’POLVery little. We may learn more the planet’s debris when we encounter theshockwave in a few minutes.
ARCHERHave you ever heard of anything like this?
T’POLThere are a number of theories which would explain the destruction of theplanet, but nothing that could have done it so quickly.
REEDComing up on shockwave in twenty seconds.
ARCHER (on intercom)All hands, this is the captain. We are about to encounter the shockwave. Brace for impact.
On the bridge, the crew grab hold of anything they can to secure themselves.
INT. ENTERPRISE.Crewmembers grab hold to steady themselves.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The crew are waiting for impact.
REEDFive seconds from... now.
EXT. ENTERPRISE IN SPACE.The ship moves through space. The shockwave thunders through space towardsthe ship. When it hits, the impact is violent, shaking the ship, throwing it about.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The crew are thrown around the bridge by the impact.
EXT. ENTERPRISE IN THE SHOCKWAVE.The ship is buffeted and battered about by the debris from the planet. It takes apretty severe beating before the first wave passes and it’s in a more steadystream of particles and debris from the explosion.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The ship is still shaking but not as violently. The crew struggle back to their stations.
REEDNo damage. The plating held.
ARCHER (on intercom)Trip, how are things down there?
TRIP (OOV on intercom)We’ve got a few screws loose down here and a couple of doo-hickeys shookthemselves free. I’ll check the manual, see where they fit and we should bejust about fine in no time.
ARCHERArcher out. T’Pol? Anything?
T’POLI’m not sure. (checks more readings)Fascinating. The debris from the planet seems to be saturated with residuefrom tachyons - particles of fast matter, which travel faster than light. Theyhave no actual mass but do possess energy.
ARCHERI know the theory, T’Pol. I didn’t think they existed outside of a laboratory.
T’POLTheoretically, they can exist naturally in the universe.
ARCHERHave you ever seen one?
T’POLAs far as I am aware, no Vulcan has ever encountered a single tachyon innature, much less the hundreds of billions it would have taken to affect thedebris from the planet as completely as this.
ARCHERSo you’re saying that the tachyons were created artificially.
T’POLThat would be speculation.
ARCHERI’m asking you to speculate.
T’POLIt is possible that the tachyons occurred naturally, but that would require acompletely unknown phenomenon. In my judgement, it is more likely to beartificial.
ARCHERAn experiment gone wrong?
T’POLPossibly. I couldn’t say.
ARCHERTravis, best speed to Chellan.
EXT. ENTERPRISE IN SPACE.The ship moves through the debris field.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Crew all in position.
TRAVISApproaching planet-site now, captain.
ARCHERLet’s see it.
Image appears on screen – what’s left isn’t recognisable as a planet. It’s asmall dead rock, partially molten, floating in a dust-cloud of debris. Absolutedesolation and destruction.(Maybe a lengthy exterior shot here showing the Enterprise passing near theslag-remains of the planet.)
TRAVISThat’s all that’s left of the planet?
TRAVIS (quietly, to himself)All those people.
T’POLNo lifesigns.
REEDHow could there be any?
Chirp from T’Pol’s instruments.
T’POLCaptain, I’m picking up metal fragments.
ARCHERWhat are they?
On screen, remains of bits of plating from a space station appear, tumbling aimlessly in space.
T’POLIt appears to be the remains of an orbital platform of some kind.
ARCHERThe Chellan did have warp drive.
T’POL (checks her instruments)I’m detecting a number of other fragments in orbit.
REEDSomething’s coming this way, captain.
ARCHERDo you have a more precise description than “something”?
REEDImpossible to say for sure. The debris is causing too much interference, but I’dsay it’s a ship of some sort.
T’POLGiven the object’s speed and direct course, I would agree with Lieutenant Reed.
ARCHERHoshi, try raising them.
HOSHINo need. They’re hailing us. Sir, they’re demanding our immediate surrender.
ARCHERPut it on.
Alien species on screen. The Alajon. Not very friendly in appearance.
ARCHERThis is Captain Jonathan Archer of the Enterprise. Are you also here toadminister aid to the Chellan people?
ALAJON COMMANDERThere are no survivors. There are never survivors.
ARCHERNever? Have you seen this happen before?
ALAJONYou are from which planet?
ARCHEREarth. Most of us. We were on our way to visit Chellan when the planet wasdestroyed. Do you know what happened?
REEDThey’re targeting us with weapons, sir. Our hull is polarised and the weapons are on standby. ARCHERAre you responsible for the destruction of this planet?
No answer.
T’POLCaptain, they’re accessing our computer memory. I can’t close the memory core.
ARCHERLet them read the memory. Don’t argue.(quietly)Malcolm? Stand by.
Tense, quiet.
T’POLThey’ve downloaded the entire memory from our computer.
ARCHERWait. Wait.
REEDCaptain, they’re powering down their weapons.
ARCHERDo the same. Show them we’re no threat to them.
ALAJONYour computer records prove your innocence.
ARCHERPerhaps now, we can co-operate to find out what caused this to happen.
ALAJONThis was not your planet.
ARCHERMy ship was on its way here. If we’d been here a day earlier, we’d be partof this dust-cloud. These were good people. I want to know what happened to them.
ALAJONWe will find what is responsible for destroying these planets. Interfere withour work and we will destroy you.
T’POLPlanets? How many planets have been destroyed like this?
ALAJONThree worlds now, one of them our home world.
ARCHERI am sorry. My crew and I would like to offer any assistance we can.
ALAJONStay out of our way.
Transmission ends.
HOSHIHow chatty would you be if your planet had been wiped out?
INT. BRIEFING ROOM.Bridge staff gathered.
ARCHER (VO)Captain’s starlog, supplemental. We’ve learned less from our investigationthan I’d hoped. T’Pol suggested that a local star going supernova probablymasked the destruction of the other worlds from our sensors. She alsopointed out that three worlds being destroyed killed my theory of a Chellanexperiment going wrong. The Alajon – the species whose home world wasdestroyed – are scanning the planet’s debris. Our presence seems to bemaking them nervous. T’Pol has noticed that they’re not scanning fortachyons. She believes that the Bruk may not have discovered tachyons yet,even when they scanned our computer. I asked T’Pol how she kept that fromthem. Apparently if she told me I’d have to court martial her. I’m unsure as towhether or not to share the information with the Alajon. They deserve to haveall the information possible to hand, but I owe it to the people of Chellan tosee this through.
EXT. SPACE.In the dust-cloud, Enterprise peels away from the Alajon ship and moves away.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Archer is in mid-speech to the Alajon commander.
ARCHERPlease accept the profound condolences of the Enterprise and of Starfleet onyour loss. We will, of course, render any assistance you request. End transmission.
ARCHERKeep it nice and smooth, Travis. There’s no telling what they’ll do if they think weknow something they don’t.
EXT. SPACE.Enterprise moves away sedately – non threatening and no reaction from the Alajonship. Enterprise moves away and clears the debris field.
TRAVISClearing outer edge of the debris field.
ARCHERAnything from the Alajon?
REEDNothing, sir. They’re still at the remains of the planet.
T’POLThe sensors are having difficulty in filtering the background radiation and tachyon residuefrom the explosion. I’m narrowing the frequency bandwidth to filter them out. Still heavytachyon residue… intriguing. There appear to be two separate traces of tachyons.
ARCHERCan you explain that?
T’POLNot yet. It will take some time to examine the sensors’ findings fully.
ARCHERHow long?
T’POLIdeally, several days at least.
ARCHERTwo hours. Two hours and I want answers.
T’POLVery well.
She turns back to her instruments.
INT. BRIEFING ROOM.T’Pol and Archer are there along with the bridge crew. Trip is last to enter.
TRIPTwo hours on the dot.
ARCHERWe’re all here. T’Pol, would you show them what you showed me earlier.
T’Pol operates controls on screen showing very basic diagram. It is of thedust-cloud coming out and away from a central point – the destroyed planet.
T’POLThis area is the dust-cloud caused by the planet’s explosion.
She activates controls. A glow appears over the area.
T’POLThe area is saturated with a high density of tachyons, all of which should showthe same rate of radioactive dissipation. Instead, I found a second set oftachyon particles, this time older.
She operates a control. On screen, a line appears from the heart of the planet,stretching off into space.
T’POLThese tachyon trail leads to this system...
She changes image to show a solar system.
T’POL..5.6 light years away. There are no records of it ever being explored.
TRIPWhy do I get the itchy feeling that’s going to change real soon?
ARCHERWithout getting into scientific details I don’t understand, if this is a weapon,then every planet in this sector of space is a potential target. And because thesetachyons move faster than light-speed, there’s no way we can defend against them.
TRIPThat doesn’t make me feel any better.
ARCHERWe’re not going alone. I’m going to contact the Alajon.
TRIPCaptain, they made it clear, they don’t want us interfering in their business.
ARCHERThat’s just too bad. I spoke to Starfleet command. We’ve to take whatever action isnecessary to ensure that this weapon is never used again. Travis, set course forthis system. Every bit of warp she’s got. Hoshi, when we’re under way, transmitT’Pol’s data to the Alajon. Okay, we’ve got work to do.
Crew files out.
EXT. SPACE.Enterprise travelling at warp speed.
REEDAlajon vessel behind us, sir. At warp 5.6.
TRIPNow that’s moving some.
ARCHEROn screen.
Alajon vessel appears on screen, closing fast.
T’POLThe Alajon vessel is coming alongside and slowing to match our speed.
Hoshi presses buttons and nods.
ARCHERThis is Captain Archer of the Enterprise. As a mark of good faith, we sent youthe data we discovered. We hope to work together to...
On screen, the Alajon ship fires at Enterprise.
ARCHERHold on.
The ship shakes under the impact – not brutal force – a warning. Alajon Captain appears on screen.
ALAJON COMMANDERIf you interfere with our mission you will be destroyed.
Screen goes blank. Alajon vessel kicks off into space at warp.
T’POLThey’re moving at almost warp 6.
REEDWe didn’t take any damage, sir. I think that was a warning shot.
TRIPThat’s what we get for sharing information with them? That’s gratitude for you.
T’POLCaptain, I’m reading new tachyon emissions.
Archer joins her at station.
T’POLDirectly ahead. Converging with the Alajon vessel.
ARCHERWhy aren’t they changing course to avoid it?
T’POLThey may not have the equipment to scan for tachyons.
ARCHERHoshi, send them a warning. Tell them to alter course.
HOSHI (on communications)Alajon vessel, this is Enterprise. Change course immediately. You are about tocome under attack with the tachyon weapon. Repeat
The Alajon vessel is hit by an unseen force and rocked backwards. It begins toglow and pulse.
ARCHERAbandon ship – we will pick up survivors.
On screen, briefly, the Alajon commander appears. The image is blurred, indistinctand out of focus. Alajon commander is trying to press buttons. He also seems to bepulsing and throbbing with energy. The image fritzes and disappears and we getthe ailing Alajon vessel back on screen. It’s in its death throes.
ARCHERAbandon ship. We will...
Alajon ships explodes violently.
REEDNo survivors.
ARCHEREvasive manoeuvres. T’Pol, any sign of incoming tachyons?
T’POLNone. But the Alajon vessel did manage to send a short message before it wasdestroyed. All of their data on the destroyed planets and what looks like tactical information.
ARCHERHow long will it take to analyse?
T’POLAt least six hours. (beat)But I will do it in three.
ARCHER (surprised by lack of argument)Did you double your estimate because you knew I was going to halve it?
ARCHERGood. We need to know what we’ll be facing. Find what you can.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.The ship travelling at warp.
INT. Meeting Room.Bridge crew assembled. T’Pol has the floor.
T’POLAnalysis of the data shows that the fifth planet of the system is home to a racethe Alajon called the Bruk. They are a violent race of xenophobes who spentcenturies engaged in wars against any race with whom they came into contact.They believe themselves superior to all other races in the galaxy.
TRIPSound like anybody we know?
ARCHERTrip. Not today.
T’POLAfter defeat in a war a little over a century ago, the Bruk retreated to their ownsystem and cut themselves off from the universe. Other than a few minor skirmisheson the borders of their territory, no-one knows what they have been doing in the interim.
TRIPI guess we know now.
T’POLIn battle the Bruk are ruthless. They take no prisoners, don’t accept surrender and willonly be satisfied when they are the only race in the galaxy.
TRIPJust to play devil’s advocate here, we do only have the Alajon’s side of this. If they foughta war against the Bruk, their reports are likely to be a little biased.
T’Pol operates a control – on screen, a dead planet. Scorched and almost dead.
T’POLThe Bruk home planet was home to two other sentient life forms. The Bruk fought a long,protracted campaign against both species, eventually choosing to make their planetuninhabitable rather than share it with others.
ARCHERThey don’t respond to diplomacy, they react to every other race with violence. I don’tthink we’ll be talking our way through this.
Image changes – it now shows huge construction on the side of an asteroid. It has adome and looks well-defended. It has a force-field around it. Bruk ships in orbit.
T’POLThe Alajon’s most recent sensor information came from a probe they sent throughthe Bruk system some months ago. This is on a moon in the Bruk’s star system.
ARCHERIt’s our guess that the weapon is housed here. Their defences look solid – from the air anyway.
TRIPFrom the air? You’re not seriously suggesting...?
ARCHERA ground assault will take out the defences around the weapon so that Enterprise candestroy the building with the cannons and torpedoes.
TRIPCaptain, this is nuts. We’re not crewed or equipped for a ground war against something like that.
REEDI hate to admit it captain, but Commander Tucker’s right.
ARCHERWe’re just going to have to be ready. We have our orders and we’re going to carry them out. (hands a computer padd to REED)These are the crew-members I’ve chosen for the ground assault. Have them prepared andissued with phase pistols.
REEDYes, sir. All of them?
ARCHEREvery one.
A bleep. Hoshi checks.
HOSHIIncoming transmission from the Shal-Tar.
T’POLA Vulcan research vessel.
ARCHERLet’s see it.
On screen, Shal-Tar is dropping out of warp. Pic cuts to Vulcan captain Vorek on his bridge.
VOREKThis is Commander Vorek of the Vulcan vessel Shal-Tar. I offer the greetings of my governmentand the request that diplomatic relations may be opened.
ARCHERWhat are they doing?
VOREKWe will await your reply on the edge of your system.
Pic cuts outside. Four Bruk ships drop into space and open fire on the Shal-Tar.
VOREKThis is a diplomatic mission. We...
Pic cuts off. Silence.
T’POLThere were two hundred forty aboard.
ARCHERBegin battle drills immediately.
INT. ENTERPRISE.Lengthy montage of the crew being drilled and put through their paces. Malcolm drillingthem with weapons. Practise at the firing ranges. Trip working on the engines. Crewmenrunning along corridors carrying weapons. Archer observes them.
ARCHER (VO)Captain’s starlog supplemental. I’m not a soldier. When I see the crew preparing for war, Ifeel that I’m betraying the ideals this ship was built to embody. What my father strove for –what I believe in.. We should be bringing peace and friendship to new worlds. We’re not.
INT. ARCHER’S CABIN.Archer alone. Door opens.
T’POLCaptain, may I have a moment?
ARCHERWhat is it, T’Pol? We don’t have much time.
T’POLI request that you remain on Enterprise and I lead the ground assault on the weapon.
T’POLYou are the ship’s captain. You will be better placed to make command decisions on the bridge.
ARCHERI disagree. You’re more than capable of making decision I’d have to make. Is that the only reason?
T’POLIn the week before Chellan was destroyed, you had developed a friendship with the President.Since then you have been driven in your urge to find those responsible.
ARCHERBillions died, T’Pol.
T’POLAnd the weapon must be destroyed. But as a duty, not a personal crusade for vengeance.
ARCHERYou’re out of line.
T’POLI don’t believe so. And you haven’t slept in almost three days.
ARCHERT’Pol, I was talking to the man when he died. I owe it to him to make sure it doesn’t happenagain. Do you understand?
T’POLI withdraw my request to lead the ground attack – on condition that you sleep at least four of the five hours before we reach Bruk.
ARCHERThat’s hardly practical. I’ll have Phlox give me a stimulant.
T’POLYour coffee would be as useful.
ARCHERCoffee? I...
He turns. T’Pol puts her hand on his neck – not a nerve pinch but something similar with a less violent reaction from the victim. She catches Archer as he slumps. She lowers him to his bed. He’s out cold. T’Pol heads for the door.
T’POLSleep well, captain.
She leaves.
INT. ENTERPRISE.Reed is dishing out phase pistols to a line of crewmembers, all are dressed for hostile weather-conditions on the planet.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Ship is in warp.
INT. BRIDGE.T’Pol is seated in the captain’s chair. Hoshi is at her position, Mayweather at his, but Reed is absent from his post.
T’POLT’Pol to shuttlepod One. We are about to drop out of warp. Has the captain joined you yet?
ARCHER (on comm)I’m here, T’Pol. We’re going to have a long talk when I get back.
T’POLUnderstood. Stand by for launch.
INT. SHUTTLEPOD 1.Trip is up front with Archer. Behind them the pod is filled with crewmembers. More than it should be carrying.
TRIPSounds serious.
TRIPAnything to do with why you went missing for four hours?
T’POLShuttlepods, you are cleared for launch.
ARCHERUnderstood. Any company?
INT. BRIDGE.Crewman at tactical nods to T’Pol. Two Bruk ships appear on screen.
T’POLTwo Bruk ships closing. We’ll try to keep them occupied until you are on the surface.
ARCHERLook after my ship while I’m gone.
T’POLI will do my best.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.The shuttlepods emerge from the underbelly of the ship and head away for the planet.Even from space Bruk looks dead.
TRAVISThe shuttlepods are clear.
T’POLSet course for the largest artificial satellites around the asteroid.
TRAVISYes, ma’am.
T’POLOpen fire with the phase cannon as soon as the satellites as within range. That shouldget their attention.
EXT. SPACE.The shuttlepods move into the atmosphere. Further out in space, Enterprise moves towards large satellites. The cannons appear from the ship’s hull and open fire on the satellites. The satellites explode.
TRAVISThe Bruk ships are increasing speed to intercept. If you wanted their attention, you’ve got it.
T’POLTake us behind the asteroid.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise moves away around the planet, the two Bruk ships in pursuit.
TRIPIt’s working. They’re following Enterprise.
ARCHERAsteroid surface, one minute from... mark. Malcolm?
REED (VO)Right beside you, sir.
ARCHERGood. (to crew)Okay. Stand by. We’re going in.
EXT. SHUTTLE PODS.The pods swoop low over the dead, barren landscape.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise moves through space around the asteroid.
T’POLOnce the asteroid is masking us from the ships, increase speed.
MAYWEATHERThey’ll be able to follow our ion trail.
T’POLI know.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise accelerates round the asteroid.
EXT. ASTEROID SURFACE.The pods attach themselves to the side of the installation.
INT. ASTEROID.A hole is cut in the metal bulkhead and Archer leads his crew into the base.
ARCHER Come on. Eyes sharp.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.The ship halts in space behind the asteroid.
T’POLHold position. Prepare one torpedo.
TRAVISBut there are two ships following…
T’POLOne torpedo. Jettisoned into space. Now.
T’POLEnsign, take us to fifty metres above the asteroid’s surface.
TRAVISFifty meters.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise moves towards the asteroid’s surface. A torpedo topples away from Enterprise.
TRAVISFifty meters. That’s... spitting distance.
T’POLAll stop. Ready weapons.
HOSHIBoth Bruk ships coming into range – one from either side of the asteroid.
T’POLHave we been detected?
TRAVISWe’re being protected by metal deposits on the surface. They’re following ourion trail. They’re almost on top of...
T’POLDetonate torpedo now.
EXT. SPACE.Bruk ships closing on Enterprise’s former position. The torpedo explodes, rippinginto the hull of one of the ships. Heavy damage to the ship.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The detonation and damage are on screen.
TRAVISOne ship took the brunt of the explosion. Its engines are off-line. They’re ventingplasma, atmosphere...
T’POLCourse 163 mark 4, full impulse. Use the debris from the damaged ship to maskour approach. Open fire, all weapons.
EXT. SPACE.Enterprise moves away from the asteroid, straight up towards the damaged ship,which is spewing debris and atmosphere from hull ruptures.Beyond the damaged ship is the second Bruk vessel. Laser cannons emerge fromthe Enterprise’s hull. As the Enterprise moves through the debris, it opens fire onthe undamaged Bruk ship. It returns fire.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The ship is hit and shaken. Sparks around the bridge.
T’POLMaintain fire.
TRAVISNo damage so far. The second ship had time to raise some kind of defence system.
T’POLContinue firing. (hits intercom control)Transport now.
INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM.A torpedo is on the transporter pad. A crewman operates the controls and the torpedo disappears.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Ship shakes again.
TRANSPORTER CREWMAN (on comm)Transport complete.
T’POLPrepare another torpedo.
HOSHIWe won’t need it for that ship.
On screen – Explosion in Bruk ship.
TRAVISThe torpedo detonated in their engine room as planned.
On screen – more explosions hit the Bruk ship.
T’POLTake us back to the weapon, full impulse.
EXT. SPACE.Enterprise moves away. The Bruk ship is rocked by more small explosions, then explodes.
INT. ASTEROID.Enterprise crew moving forward. In the distance is what looks like an industrial complex. Archer, Trip and Reed duck behind a low wall as laser fire comes in.
ARCHER (reading padd)We hit their defences in twenty meters.
TRIP (looking at padd)They’re not playing. They don’t want visitors.
ARCHERToo bad. (into communicator)T’Pol, are you there?
T’POL (VO on communicator)In orbit directly above you, captain.
ARCHERWe’re sending the co-ordinates of defences ahead of us. Try to disrupt the power.
INT. INTERPRISE BRIDGE.T’Pol reads incoming data.
T’POLCaptain, these co-ordinates are dangerously close to your position.
ARCHER (VO on communicator)I know. Archer out.
T’POLTarget phase cannons on power relay at these co-ordinates. Fire.
EXT. SPACE.Exterprise cannons fire.
INT. ASTEROID.Lights dim. Alarm sounds. Asteroid shakes under the fire.
TRIPWe’re clear.
ARCHER (into communicator)We’ve got our path.
T’POL (VO on communicator)We have company closing on our position.
ARCHERKeep me posted.
T’POLI’ll do my best. Enterprise out. Status?
TRAVISTwo Bruk ships closing fast.And they’re a lot bigger than the last two.
T’POLCourse 121 mark 32. Use the nearer of the ships as a shield against the furthest vessel.
TRAVISYes, ma’am.
T’POLStand by weapons.
Enterprise shakes as it is hit. Sparks.
TRAVISThey’re closing.
T’POLWait. Wait.. now. Fire phase cannons.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise fires on Bruk ship. Repeated bursts of fire.
TRAVISNo damage to their ship.
T’POLFire torpedo.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Torpedo fired. Impacts on the hull of the Bruk ship. Moderate damage.
TRAVISTheir forward weapons are off-line.
T’POLTarget aft weapons. Open fire. Keep using that ship as a shield.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise fires at Bruk ship. It returns fire from aft weapons. Firefight.
INT. ASTEROID.Archer leads his party through damaged corridors.
REEDFour hundred meters.
TRIPCaptain. We’ve got two power readings.
TRIPThat main building has the weapon for certain, but the protective shield around itis powered from somewhere else.
ARCHERMalcolm, I want that power off.
ARCHERFind a way. We need to take that out before we can get to the weapon. Take a team.
REEDAye, sir.
From ahead, the whine of a power build-up. Archer checks his computer.
ARCHERWe don’t have much time.
REEDWe’ll get it done.
Reed, collecting 3 or 4 others, heads away.
TRIPYou think we have a chance in hell of pulling this off?
ARCHERLet’s get moving.
TRIPThat’s what I figured.
They move on.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The ship is being shaken heavily by incoming fire.
T’POLMr Mayweather, keep the damaged ship as a shield.
TRAVISI’m trying but that’s pushing us into range of those aft weapons.
T’POLMaintain fire on their weapons system.
TRAVISWe can’t break down whatever shields they have.
Another heavy hit. Major sparks fly. The ship is being pounded. The lights flicker.
T’POLContinuous fire.
TRAVISThat last hit’s made her sluggish.
HOSHIHere comes the second ship.
A bigger hit. Sparks fly.
HOSHICan’t you transport a torpedo aboard them too?
T’POLWe can’t get a signal through their shielding well enough to deliver a torpedo.
T’Pol heads to her science station. Inspects readings.
T’POL (into comm, pressing controls)Transporter room. Lock trabsporters on these co-ordinates.
HOSHIYou said we could beam a torpedo in.
T’POLWe’re not beaming anything in. We’re taking it out.
Another hit.
T’POLTransporter room. Energise – and hold whatever you catch in the transporter buffer.
On screen, the injured ship instantly stop firing. Lights on the ship dim.
TRAVISPart of their warp core has gone.
T’POLTransporter room, beam the warp core to these co-ordinates.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.The warp material materialises near the second Bruk ship. It explodes, damaging the ship.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The ship is rocked.
TRAVISBoth ships have hull breaches.
Another hit.
T’POLThey still have wepaons. Target both ships. Phase cannon and torpedos.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise fires on both ships Major impacts.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Again, Enterprise lets rip. Huge damage to the two ships. Out of control, theyplough into each other.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The crew watch the ships collide and explode.
TRAVISWe did it. We did it.
T’POLMaintain alert. (to Hoshi)Get reports from damage crews.
T’POL (into comm)T’Pol to Archer.
INT. ASTEROID.Archer and his party are creeping forward, taking cover behind walls. Archer answerscommunicator.
ARCHERHere. How are things up there?
T’POLWe have extensive damage to most systems but the ship is still functioning.
TRIPWork for me when we get home.
ARCHERWhat about the Bruk ships?
T’POLLocal ships have been dealt with. Sensors detect that their perimeter fleet has beenrecalled. The first ships will be here in less than ten minutes.
ARCHERCan you deal with them? (no answer)T’Pol?
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.T’Pol is aware that the crew are looking at her.
ARCHERI said..
T’POLI heard you, captain. Mr Mayweather, how many Bruk ships are closing on our position?
TRAVISFour. No, make that six. All warships. At least as big as the last two.
T’POLI believe that answers your question, captain.
INT. ASTEROID.Archer and Trip know the ship is doomed.
T’POLWe will hold them as long as we can.
ARCHER (stowing communicator)T’Pol will do... what she can. We have our own job to do.
TRIPThat door’s our way in.
The doorway slides open.
TRIPThey inviting us in?
ARCHERI don’t think so.
The Bruk emerge. This is our first look at them so they should emerge slowly and withmenace. Metallic, matt black – color seems to be drained into them. They are metal ballsabout a meter in diameter, and hover above the ground. They’re still, unmoving for along moment.
TRIPThink they want to talk?
BRUKNon-Bruk life-forms detected.
The Bruk open fire. Vicious, aggressive laser blasts, tearing chunks out of walls.
TRIPGuess not.
ARCHERReturn fire.
BRUKAll non-Bruk life must be eradicated.
Enterprise crew return fire. Their weapons are deflected off the Bruk. The fire forcesthe Bruk backwards slightly but they are unharmed.
ARCHERThey have shielding.
TRIPWe should fall back.
TRIPCaptain, they’re almost on top of us. Jon!
ARCHERWe can’t back off. There’s no time.
More Bruk fire. Enterprise crewman falls, injured.
TRIPWe can’t win.
ARCHERWe stand and fight.
TRIPAye, captain.
Firefight continues.
INT. ASTEROID.Reed leads his party through corridor.
REEDStay alert – and keep those jamming devices at full. (checking hand scanner)This door.
Door stays shut. He attaches a computer padd to the door controls. It cycles throughcodes then the door slides open.
REEDInside. One of you stand guard here.
They go inside, one crewman standing guard. Reed holds scanner/padd over the controls.
REED See if you can decipher the controls.
Padd chirps.
REED Come on. Come on. Prepare explosive charges.
Padd chirps. Reed moves to control panel.
REEDIf these readings are correct, this should cut power to the main complex.
Operates control. Lights fade – a yell from the crewman at the door. The door is slidingshut. He is jammed in the doorway – only the crewman is keeping the door open and heis being crushed. The controls begin to spark and explode.
REED It’s a trap. Everybody out. Out.
Consoles explode. Crewmen thrown to ground. Reed and others trying to open the doorclosing on the partially-crushed crewman left on guard. The door is heaved open eventually.
REEDOut. Now. (to injured crewman)How bad is it? Michaels?
No answer. Incoming fire. Enterprise crew take what shelter they can round corners as Bruk approach.
REEDTake cover. Return fire.
Reed opens communicator.
REEDReed to Archer.
INT. ASTEROID.Archer answers. Weapon fire all around.
ARCHERGo ahead.
REEDThe control room was a decoy. A fake. And I fell for it. ARCHERWe all did. Can you find another way to kill the power?
REEDWe’re pinned down, captain.
ARCHERSo are we. Do what you can.
TRIPOur weapons aren’t getting through that armour.
ARCHER (thoughtful)Armour? Is it metal?
BRUKAll aliens must be destroyed.
TRIPI can’t get a decent reading but it looks metal to me.
ARCHER Give me one of the mines.
Trip hands over mine – small circular mine. Archer sets control on it.
ARCHERFive second delay...
He slides mine along floor towards the Bruk.
TRIPIt needs to be closer to get through the armour.
Light on mine changes colour. A bleep and the mine magnetizes. It is yankedup by the magnetism and attaches itself to a Bruk’s casing.
Big explosion. Dust clears – two of the Bruk are down, one almost unrecognisable.
TRIPI’ll be damned. You set it to magnetize itself.
ARCHERUse the mines to take those things out.
TRIPYou got it.
Trip slides a mine forward. Archer opens communicator.
INT. ASTEROID.Reed on communicator. Half of his team fighting rear-guard action. The rest return fromother direction.
ARCHERWe’ve got a way of fighting back.
REEDI heard – I’ve been listening in. We’re already using the mines. (to crewman)They’re set? Good.
ARCHERI thought the control room was fake.
REEDIt is. But the power is channelled nearby. We’re going to use the mines to disrupt thepower-flow. We hope. We’ve no idea what will happen when we detonate the explosives.
ARCHERGood luck.
REEDYes, sir.
Closes communicator. He holds padd.
REEDEverybody down.
INT. ASTEROID.Remaining few Bruk shoot mines as they are thrown. Explosions now don’t damagethe Bruk shielding.
TRIPThey got wise to us.
BRUKAliens must be destroyed.
ARCHERTry two mines at once.
TRIPWe’re running short on them.
Huge explosion shakes them.
ARCHERMust have been.
Power begins to dip. Bruk move erratically.
ARCHERThey must get their power from a main source. Try their shields again. Fire.
Enterprise crew fire on Bruk. They take the impacts full on. No shields. They takeheavy damage and go down, holes blasted in their shells.
TRIPThat’s one we owe you, Malcolm.
ARCHERInside – quickly.
Crew run for doorway. Archer stops and looks at the contents of a damaged Brukcase – at a Bruk. It’s alien – multi-limbed, all of which are hooked into some connectioninside the casing. It looks intelligent, developed and totally malicious.
ARCHERWhy? Why kill all those people? Why do you hate everybody?
BRUKOnly the Bruk will survive.
One of the limbs flaps at Archer, slicing his cheek. He steps back and fires intothe casing.
INT. ASTEROID. TACHYON WEAPON’S CONTROL ROOM.Trip is examining controls. Other crew are also checking out the system. Veryadvanced, very complex.
ARCHERWhat do you think?
TRIPI think I don’t know what the hell these controls do. Maybe if we had T’Pol here. Hoshi to translate...
ARCHERWe don’t.
TRIPBest I can make out, somewhere in this asteroid there’s a kind of collection chamber fortachyons. Damn near full.
ARCHERCan we get rid of them? Shut it down?
TRIPIt’s not designed to hold them for any time and there’s nowhere in the universe we cansend them because they don’t belong here.
ARCHERFind a way to destroy them. The whole place. I don’t want this weapon ever used again.
TRIPI’ll see what I can do.
Reed and his people arrive – they’re covered with dust and grime, also showing injuries.
ARCHERMalcolm? How are your people?
REEDBeen better. Sorry we took a while, sir.
ARCHERThere has to be a tactical station of some kind in here. See if you can find it.
Archer heads back to Trip.
TRIPThis panel’s making no sense to me. I think our best shot is for Enterprise to hitthis place with every torpedo she’s got left.
REEDI think Enterprise is a bit busy at the moment.
Display show six ships of one color swarming one of another.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The entire ship shakes as it is hit repeatedly.
TRAVISThey have us boxed in.
T’POL112 mark 32. Fire torpedoes.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise shows signs of a beating. The Bruk ships are close. Enterprise firestorpedoes at the closest ship. They hit. No major damage.
TRAVISNo major damage.
T’POLPhase cannons.
On screen. Fire from the phase cannons hits the closest ship.
T’POL (checks quickly)Change pitch by 140 degrees.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise rolls through around 140 degrees. Laser fire slides under the ship. Hitsanother Bruk ship.
TRAVISThey have a hull breach. Structural integrity is failing.
T’POLTarget ship at 182 mark 12. Fire torpedo.
CREWMANWe’re out of torpedoes.
T’POLPhase cannon. Continuous fire. Take us in close, Mr Mayweather.
TRAVISHow close?
T’POLI believe you call it spitting distance.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise moves away from stricken Bruk ship. Fires at closest ship with phasecannons. Incoming fire from other Bruk ships. One of them peels away towardsthe asteroid. Enterprise takes more hits.
HOSHIOne of their ships is heading for the asteroid.
Ship takes a hit, shakes.
T’POLI’m aware of that, ensign. Target that vessel. Fire.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Phase cannons fire. Minimal damage to ship. Incoming fire hits Enterprise, shearingoff the phase cannons.
TRAVISWe’ve lost the phase cannon.
HOSHIWe’ve no weapons?
T’POLEvasive course.
Huge impact. Major sparks and fires. Crewman at tactical is sent flying. Travis’ controls catch fire. He reaches through fire to controls.
TRAVISIt’s okay. If I can reach the...
Another hit. T’Pol hit a glancing blow by debris. Green blood from a cut. Travis’ controls erupt with huge flames. He’s thrown back, clutching his burned hands. Hoshi runs to him.
T’POL (into comm)Doctor Phlox, medical emergency on the bridge.
INT. SICKBAY.Phlox has serious injuries all around him.
PHLOXI’m somewhat busy at the moment, Sub-Commander. I’ll be with you as soon as I can.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.T’Pol has sprayed Travis’ controls with a gas fire extinguisher.
T’POLAs quickly as you can, doctor. Bridge out. Hoshi, these controls are damagedbut serviceable. Take over from ensign Mayweather.
HOSHII can’t pilot Enterprise.
T’POLAll bridge officers have had training at the helm. Take over. That’s an order.
Hoshi takes the helm. Uncomfortable.
T’POLHold us close to an enemy ship. Too close for them to risk firing at us without hitting their own vessel.
HOSHIYes, ma’am.
Hoshi gingerly operates controls. T’Pol looks around at the mess on the ship.
T’POLT’Pol to Archer.
ARCHER (VO)Archer. How are things up there?
T’POLNot good. A Bruk ship has passed us and is landing on the asteroid.
ARCHERWe spotted it.
T’POLWe have no weapons and have taken heavy damage.
ARCHERGet Enterprise out of there.
T’POLI don’t think we can fight our way clear, captain.
Big hit shakes the Enterprise.
ARCHER (into communicator)T’Pol? T’Pol?
Looks round crew - they all fear the worst.
ARCHERWe won’t be getting those torpedoes from Enterprise, Trip.
TRIPI guess not. Kind of leaves us just one choice, doesn’t it? They’ve got a nicebig nuclear reactor powering this place. Overload that, mix the explosionwith the tachyons and...
ARCHERI can guess the rest. How long?
TRIPOnce it starts, there’s no stopping it – and Enterprise can’t come get us off this rock.
Trip sets to the controls. Archer flips open his communicator.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Enterprise shakes.
T’POLKeep us close to them, ensign. T’Pol to Archer. Please respond.
No answer.
T’POL (into intercom)This is the bridge, all hands to escape pods. Abandon ship. Repeat, all handsabandon ship. (switches off)That includes you, ensign.
HOSHII’ll take my chances here.
T’POLEnsign, we have no chance of survival and no weapons. Our only chance ofcompleting our mission is to make Enterprise a weapon. You understand?
HOSHIYes. But they don’t they take prisoners. I’ll stay.
Bleep from console.
HOSHISame goes for the rest of the crew. They’re not leaving.
T’POLVery well. Full speed from impulse engines. Stand by to ram the weapon.
INT. ASTEROID.Bruk move through the complex. Desolation around them.
BRUK All aliens are to be eliminated.
INT. ASTEROID. WEAPON CONTROL ROOM.It’s empty, quiet. Bruk move into the room. No sign of Archer or the Enterprise crew.One of the Bruk hovers over to the controls and extends a probe arms from its casingwhich hooks into the controls. As soon as it does a surge of power courses throughthe Bruk which explodes. More explosions begin around the control room.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise is under attack as she heads for the asteroid. Trailing Bruk ships firing on her.
HOSHIAft hull plating’s down.
T’POLMaintain course.
HOSHIThe Bruk ship on the surface has lifted off. Heading straight for us.
T’POLI’m reading three ships. Hold course, full speed.
A bleep.
ARCHER (VO)Sub-Commander, I hope you’re not thinking of doing anything stupid with my ship.
INT. BRUK SHIP.Trip is trying to control the ship. Wrecked Bruk on the floor. Trip using paddhooked to controls to pilot ship.
ARCHERWe borrowed a ship from the Bruk after the shuttle pods cut in and ferried usover to the landing bay. Do you have warp speed?
T’POL (VO)Ensign?
HOSHIIt’s pretty much all we do have.
ARCHERHoshi? Are you piloting Enterprise?
HOSHIWasn’t my idea.
ARCHERTuck in behind us. We’ll cut a path through those ships. And stand by to go to warp assoon as the shuttle pods are aboard. We don’t want to be here in a few minutes.
ARCHERTrip, you got the weapons ready.
TRIPI think so. Either that or I programmed in my grandma’s recipe for pecan pie.
ARCHER Let’s hope.
EXT. EXTERPRISE.The Bruk ship passes Enterprise with the shuttle pods closing on Enterprise. The littlefleet heads for the Bruk ships with Archer’s ship opening fire on the other Bruk vessels.Enterprise takes a shuttle pod aboard.
TRIPWe’re almost through.
ARCHERWe’re out of time.
INT. ASTEROID.The complex overloads. Explosions begin to go through the asteroid.
EXT. ASTEROID.The asteroid explodes. More than just an explosion though – an explosion that seemsto distort space.
HOSHIThe second shuttle pod’s aboard.
T’POLWarp speed now, ensign.
EXT. SPACE.The shockwave from the exploding asteroid crashes into the Bruk ships, destroying them.First the captured Bruk vessel and then Enterprise leap to warp, a fraction before theshockwave hits them. As the wave dissipates, planets asteroids and moons all throughthe system waver out of existence.
ARCHERT’Pol? What’s happening to them?
T’POLI don’t know, captain.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.T’Pol is at her science station.
T’POLBut the entire solar system has gone.
T’POL (VO)It no longer registers on any of the sensors.
Archer stares at screen.
INT. SICKBAY.Archer is in sickbay. He has a dressing on his cheek. Others are in beds, obviouslyhurt far worse. Archer beside Travis. Phlox is busy.
ARCHER (VO)Captain’s log, supplemental. We came through it. Most of us, anyway. We had threefatalities. I’m surprised it’s not more. But it’s still three families who’ve lost loved ones.Three crewmates and friends we’ve lost.
INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR.Repair crews are working on damage from the battle.
ARCHER (VO)Knowing that they died doing what was right doesn’t make it any easier. We didn’t pickthis fight. We didn’t want it. We didn’t...
INT. ARCHER’S CABIN.Archer is staring out of the window.
ARCHER We didn’t...
Door chime.
ARCHER Come in.
T’Pol enters. Hands over padd.
T’POLReport on our repairs. We’re ahead of schedule.
ARCHERAny idea about what happened to the Bruk system?
T’POLA theory, nothing more. Tachyons have a special relationship with time. It is possiblethat the energy released in the explosion caused the techyons to react, shifting thesystem out of synchronisation with the universe.
ARCHERThey wanted a universe to themselves and now they have one.
T’POLPerhaps. It’s only a theory.
ARCHERYou used some interesting tactics against those ships.
T’POLIn war we adapt to survive.
ARCHERWe didn’t come out here to fight a war.
ARCHERWe came as explorers. We didn’t expect to find... this.
T’POLHumans are gregarious, adventurous and occasionally reckless in their dealings withother species.
ARCHERIs that a fact?
T’POLAn opinion. Many species do not share your ideals.
T’POLThat does not mean you should abandon those ideals.
T’POLRaces can co-exist peacefully. They must. It is the only logical course of action.
ARCHERI hope so.
T’Pol heads for the door.
ARCHERWait a minute.
ARCHERStay. Please. I could use the company.
He goes back to staring out of the window. She joins him. Both thoughtful.
Star Trek and Enterprise are all copyright to Paramount and I claim no copyright on them. These are just for information.
ARCHER (VO)Captain’s starlog, supplemental. When we left Earth, it was as explorers.Our mission was to peacefully expand our knowledge of the universeand to make contact with any species we met.
INT. ARCHER’S CABIN.Fade in to Archer alone in his cabin.
ARCHERWe’ve had some battles along the way. We expected that. Some races havereacted badly to us, some have been aggressive, but this is the first time we’veencountered a species so completely xenophobic. We’d been in contact with thegovernment of the planet Chellan for a week. They were as curious about us aswe were about them. They were friendly people and I’d spent a lot of time talkingwith their President by sub-space.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Archer is talking to the President of the planet Chellan on the screen.
PRESIDENTHow soon will you be in orbit around Chellan, Captain Archer? You and your creware all more than welcome to visit the surface.
ARCHERAround three hours, Mr President.
TRIPSome shore leave gets my vote.
TRAVISAnd mine.
T’POLThe opportunity to experience a new culture would be agreeable.
ARCHERYou’ve certainly got my crew looking forward to our visit, Mr President.
PRESIDENTMy people are just as eager, captain. They’re glad to know that there arefriendly races out there in the universe as well as the less pleasant oneswe’ve encountered.
ARCHERWe’ll do our best.
T’Pol’s instruments bleep.
ARCHERWhat is?
From on screen comes a loud rumble and the picture begins to shake, distortand break up. T’Pol is moving around her instruments quickly. Something serious.
PRESIDENTCaptain Archer. I don’t know what’s hap…
Picture fritzes and disappears.
ARCHERGet it back.
HOSHII’m trying.
T’POLIt’s gone.
HOSHII’m trying to get it back.
T’POLNot the signal. The planet.
On screen, a space-scape is shown. There’s a flare of light as the planet explodes.
T’POLInitial scans show that the planet has been completely destroyed.
Debris and a shockwave move away from the space the planet used to fill. It’s utterly destroyed. The Enterprise crew look on in horror.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Bridge crew are watching the explosion on screen.
ARCHERHow can the planet be gone?
T’POLUnknown, captain.
ARCHERCould there be any survivors? In orbit? On a moon?
T’POLUnlikely. Anything in proximity to Chellan would have been destroyed bythe shockwave.
ARCHERWe’ll look anyway.
TRIPIt’s going to be a bumpy trip through that shockwave.
ARCHERThen we’ll get shaken up a little. Hoshi, did any of the broadcasts forChellan give a hint that there was anything wrong? Seismic activity, anything.
HOSHINothing, sir.
ARCHERT’Pol? Your instruments registered something just before... before welost the transmission from the planet.
T’POLThe scanners detected some kind of disturbance of Chellan’s magnetic field.The planet’s poles went into flux, reversing polarity and moving position constantly.
ARCHERHow is that possible?
T’POLI don’t know, captain.
ARCHER (sharply)Find out. I want to know what happened.
T’POLYes, captain.
ARCHERTravis, give us everything she’s got.
Archer stares at the screen.
INT. ARCHER’S QUARTERS.He is recording his log.
ARCHERThe destruction of Chellan has shocked the crew. It’s shocked me. I can hardlybelieve that a world of nearly four billion people could be destroyed so quicklyand with so little warning. The fact that I was talking to the President when theplanet exploded – I’m not sure how to express how that has disturbed me. I’veseen people killed before. But four billion people?
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Fade into bridge. Crew at work. All a bit edgy. Archer joins T’Pol at her station.
T’POLVery little. We may learn more the planet’s debris when we encounter theshockwave in a few minutes.
ARCHERHave you ever heard of anything like this?
T’POLThere are a number of theories which would explain the destruction of theplanet, but nothing that could have done it so quickly.
REEDComing up on shockwave in twenty seconds.
ARCHER (on intercom)All hands, this is the captain. We are about to encounter the shockwave. Brace for impact.
On the bridge, the crew grab hold of anything they can to secure themselves.
INT. ENTERPRISE.Crewmembers grab hold to steady themselves.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The crew are waiting for impact.
REEDFive seconds from... now.
EXT. ENTERPRISE IN SPACE.The ship moves through space. The shockwave thunders through space towardsthe ship. When it hits, the impact is violent, shaking the ship, throwing it about.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The crew are thrown around the bridge by the impact.
EXT. ENTERPRISE IN THE SHOCKWAVE.The ship is buffeted and battered about by the debris from the planet. It takes apretty severe beating before the first wave passes and it’s in a more steadystream of particles and debris from the explosion.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The ship is still shaking but not as violently. The crew struggle back to their stations.
REEDNo damage. The plating held.
ARCHER (on intercom)Trip, how are things down there?
TRIP (OOV on intercom)We’ve got a few screws loose down here and a couple of doo-hickeys shookthemselves free. I’ll check the manual, see where they fit and we should bejust about fine in no time.
ARCHERArcher out. T’Pol? Anything?
T’POLI’m not sure. (checks more readings)Fascinating. The debris from the planet seems to be saturated with residuefrom tachyons - particles of fast matter, which travel faster than light. Theyhave no actual mass but do possess energy.
ARCHERI know the theory, T’Pol. I didn’t think they existed outside of a laboratory.
T’POLTheoretically, they can exist naturally in the universe.
ARCHERHave you ever seen one?
T’POLAs far as I am aware, no Vulcan has ever encountered a single tachyon innature, much less the hundreds of billions it would have taken to affect thedebris from the planet as completely as this.
ARCHERSo you’re saying that the tachyons were created artificially.
T’POLThat would be speculation.
ARCHERI’m asking you to speculate.
T’POLIt is possible that the tachyons occurred naturally, but that would require acompletely unknown phenomenon. In my judgement, it is more likely to beartificial.
ARCHERAn experiment gone wrong?
T’POLPossibly. I couldn’t say.
ARCHERTravis, best speed to Chellan.
EXT. ENTERPRISE IN SPACE.The ship moves through the debris field.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Crew all in position.
TRAVISApproaching planet-site now, captain.
ARCHERLet’s see it.
Image appears on screen – what’s left isn’t recognisable as a planet. It’s asmall dead rock, partially molten, floating in a dust-cloud of debris. Absolutedesolation and destruction.(Maybe a lengthy exterior shot here showing the Enterprise passing near theslag-remains of the planet.)
TRAVISThat’s all that’s left of the planet?
TRAVIS (quietly, to himself)All those people.
T’POLNo lifesigns.
REEDHow could there be any?
Chirp from T’Pol’s instruments.
T’POLCaptain, I’m picking up metal fragments.
ARCHERWhat are they?
On screen, remains of bits of plating from a space station appear, tumbling aimlessly in space.
T’POLIt appears to be the remains of an orbital platform of some kind.
ARCHERThe Chellan did have warp drive.
T’POL (checks her instruments)I’m detecting a number of other fragments in orbit.
REEDSomething’s coming this way, captain.
ARCHERDo you have a more precise description than “something”?
REEDImpossible to say for sure. The debris is causing too much interference, but I’dsay it’s a ship of some sort.
T’POLGiven the object’s speed and direct course, I would agree with Lieutenant Reed.
ARCHERHoshi, try raising them.
HOSHINo need. They’re hailing us. Sir, they’re demanding our immediate surrender.
ARCHERPut it on.
Alien species on screen. The Alajon. Not very friendly in appearance.
ARCHERThis is Captain Jonathan Archer of the Enterprise. Are you also here toadminister aid to the Chellan people?
ALAJON COMMANDERThere are no survivors. There are never survivors.
ARCHERNever? Have you seen this happen before?
ALAJONYou are from which planet?
ARCHEREarth. Most of us. We were on our way to visit Chellan when the planet wasdestroyed. Do you know what happened?
REEDThey’re targeting us with weapons, sir. Our hull is polarised and the weapons are on standby. ARCHERAre you responsible for the destruction of this planet?
No answer.
T’POLCaptain, they’re accessing our computer memory. I can’t close the memory core.
ARCHERLet them read the memory. Don’t argue.(quietly)Malcolm? Stand by.
Tense, quiet.
T’POLThey’ve downloaded the entire memory from our computer.
ARCHERWait. Wait.
REEDCaptain, they’re powering down their weapons.
ARCHERDo the same. Show them we’re no threat to them.
ALAJONYour computer records prove your innocence.
ARCHERPerhaps now, we can co-operate to find out what caused this to happen.
ALAJONThis was not your planet.
ARCHERMy ship was on its way here. If we’d been here a day earlier, we’d be partof this dust-cloud. These were good people. I want to know what happened to them.
ALAJONWe will find what is responsible for destroying these planets. Interfere withour work and we will destroy you.
T’POLPlanets? How many planets have been destroyed like this?
ALAJONThree worlds now, one of them our home world.
ARCHERI am sorry. My crew and I would like to offer any assistance we can.
ALAJONStay out of our way.
Transmission ends.
HOSHIHow chatty would you be if your planet had been wiped out?
INT. BRIEFING ROOM.Bridge staff gathered.
ARCHER (VO)Captain’s starlog, supplemental. We’ve learned less from our investigationthan I’d hoped. T’Pol suggested that a local star going supernova probablymasked the destruction of the other worlds from our sensors. She alsopointed out that three worlds being destroyed killed my theory of a Chellanexperiment going wrong. The Alajon – the species whose home world wasdestroyed – are scanning the planet’s debris. Our presence seems to bemaking them nervous. T’Pol has noticed that they’re not scanning fortachyons. She believes that the Bruk may not have discovered tachyons yet,even when they scanned our computer. I asked T’Pol how she kept that fromthem. Apparently if she told me I’d have to court martial her. I’m unsure as towhether or not to share the information with the Alajon. They deserve to haveall the information possible to hand, but I owe it to the people of Chellan tosee this through.
EXT. SPACE.In the dust-cloud, Enterprise peels away from the Alajon ship and moves away.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Archer is in mid-speech to the Alajon commander.
ARCHERPlease accept the profound condolences of the Enterprise and of Starfleet onyour loss. We will, of course, render any assistance you request. End transmission.
ARCHERKeep it nice and smooth, Travis. There’s no telling what they’ll do if they think weknow something they don’t.
EXT. SPACE.Enterprise moves away sedately – non threatening and no reaction from the Alajonship. Enterprise moves away and clears the debris field.
TRAVISClearing outer edge of the debris field.
ARCHERAnything from the Alajon?
REEDNothing, sir. They’re still at the remains of the planet.
T’POLThe sensors are having difficulty in filtering the background radiation and tachyon residuefrom the explosion. I’m narrowing the frequency bandwidth to filter them out. Still heavytachyon residue… intriguing. There appear to be two separate traces of tachyons.
ARCHERCan you explain that?
T’POLNot yet. It will take some time to examine the sensors’ findings fully.
ARCHERHow long?
T’POLIdeally, several days at least.
ARCHERTwo hours. Two hours and I want answers.
T’POLVery well.
She turns back to her instruments.
INT. BRIEFING ROOM.T’Pol and Archer are there along with the bridge crew. Trip is last to enter.
TRIPTwo hours on the dot.
ARCHERWe’re all here. T’Pol, would you show them what you showed me earlier.
T’Pol operates controls on screen showing very basic diagram. It is of thedust-cloud coming out and away from a central point – the destroyed planet.
T’POLThis area is the dust-cloud caused by the planet’s explosion.
She activates controls. A glow appears over the area.
T’POLThe area is saturated with a high density of tachyons, all of which should showthe same rate of radioactive dissipation. Instead, I found a second set oftachyon particles, this time older.
She operates a control. On screen, a line appears from the heart of the planet,stretching off into space.
T’POLThese tachyon trail leads to this system...
She changes image to show a solar system.
T’POL..5.6 light years away. There are no records of it ever being explored.
TRIPWhy do I get the itchy feeling that’s going to change real soon?
ARCHERWithout getting into scientific details I don’t understand, if this is a weapon,then every planet in this sector of space is a potential target. And because thesetachyons move faster than light-speed, there’s no way we can defend against them.
TRIPThat doesn’t make me feel any better.
ARCHERWe’re not going alone. I’m going to contact the Alajon.
TRIPCaptain, they made it clear, they don’t want us interfering in their business.
ARCHERThat’s just too bad. I spoke to Starfleet command. We’ve to take whatever action isnecessary to ensure that this weapon is never used again. Travis, set course forthis system. Every bit of warp she’s got. Hoshi, when we’re under way, transmitT’Pol’s data to the Alajon. Okay, we’ve got work to do.
Crew files out.
EXT. SPACE.Enterprise travelling at warp speed.
REEDAlajon vessel behind us, sir. At warp 5.6.
TRIPNow that’s moving some.
ARCHEROn screen.
Alajon vessel appears on screen, closing fast.
T’POLThe Alajon vessel is coming alongside and slowing to match our speed.
Hoshi presses buttons and nods.
ARCHERThis is Captain Archer of the Enterprise. As a mark of good faith, we sent youthe data we discovered. We hope to work together to...
On screen, the Alajon ship fires at Enterprise.
ARCHERHold on.
The ship shakes under the impact – not brutal force – a warning. Alajon Captain appears on screen.
ALAJON COMMANDERIf you interfere with our mission you will be destroyed.
Screen goes blank. Alajon vessel kicks off into space at warp.
T’POLThey’re moving at almost warp 6.
REEDWe didn’t take any damage, sir. I think that was a warning shot.
TRIPThat’s what we get for sharing information with them? That’s gratitude for you.
T’POLCaptain, I’m reading new tachyon emissions.
Archer joins her at station.
T’POLDirectly ahead. Converging with the Alajon vessel.
ARCHERWhy aren’t they changing course to avoid it?
T’POLThey may not have the equipment to scan for tachyons.
ARCHERHoshi, send them a warning. Tell them to alter course.
HOSHI (on communications)Alajon vessel, this is Enterprise. Change course immediately. You are about tocome under attack with the tachyon weapon. Repeat
The Alajon vessel is hit by an unseen force and rocked backwards. It begins toglow and pulse.
ARCHERAbandon ship – we will pick up survivors.
On screen, briefly, the Alajon commander appears. The image is blurred, indistinctand out of focus. Alajon commander is trying to press buttons. He also seems to bepulsing and throbbing with energy. The image fritzes and disappears and we getthe ailing Alajon vessel back on screen. It’s in its death throes.
ARCHERAbandon ship. We will...
Alajon ships explodes violently.
REEDNo survivors.
ARCHEREvasive manoeuvres. T’Pol, any sign of incoming tachyons?
T’POLNone. But the Alajon vessel did manage to send a short message before it wasdestroyed. All of their data on the destroyed planets and what looks like tactical information.
ARCHERHow long will it take to analyse?
T’POLAt least six hours. (beat)But I will do it in three.
ARCHER (surprised by lack of argument)Did you double your estimate because you knew I was going to halve it?
ARCHERGood. We need to know what we’ll be facing. Find what you can.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.The ship travelling at warp.
INT. Meeting Room.Bridge crew assembled. T’Pol has the floor.
T’POLAnalysis of the data shows that the fifth planet of the system is home to a racethe Alajon called the Bruk. They are a violent race of xenophobes who spentcenturies engaged in wars against any race with whom they came into contact.They believe themselves superior to all other races in the galaxy.
TRIPSound like anybody we know?
ARCHERTrip. Not today.
T’POLAfter defeat in a war a little over a century ago, the Bruk retreated to their ownsystem and cut themselves off from the universe. Other than a few minor skirmisheson the borders of their territory, no-one knows what they have been doing in the interim.
TRIPI guess we know now.
T’POLIn battle the Bruk are ruthless. They take no prisoners, don’t accept surrender and willonly be satisfied when they are the only race in the galaxy.
TRIPJust to play devil’s advocate here, we do only have the Alajon’s side of this. If they foughta war against the Bruk, their reports are likely to be a little biased.
T’Pol operates a control – on screen, a dead planet. Scorched and almost dead.
T’POLThe Bruk home planet was home to two other sentient life forms. The Bruk fought a long,protracted campaign against both species, eventually choosing to make their planetuninhabitable rather than share it with others.
ARCHERThey don’t respond to diplomacy, they react to every other race with violence. I don’tthink we’ll be talking our way through this.
Image changes – it now shows huge construction on the side of an asteroid. It has adome and looks well-defended. It has a force-field around it. Bruk ships in orbit.
T’POLThe Alajon’s most recent sensor information came from a probe they sent throughthe Bruk system some months ago. This is on a moon in the Bruk’s star system.
ARCHERIt’s our guess that the weapon is housed here. Their defences look solid – from the air anyway.
TRIPFrom the air? You’re not seriously suggesting...?
ARCHERA ground assault will take out the defences around the weapon so that Enterprise candestroy the building with the cannons and torpedoes.
TRIPCaptain, this is nuts. We’re not crewed or equipped for a ground war against something like that.
REEDI hate to admit it captain, but Commander Tucker’s right.
ARCHERWe’re just going to have to be ready. We have our orders and we’re going to carry them out. (hands a computer padd to REED)These are the crew-members I’ve chosen for the ground assault. Have them prepared andissued with phase pistols.
REEDYes, sir. All of them?
ARCHEREvery one.
A bleep. Hoshi checks.
HOSHIIncoming transmission from the Shal-Tar.
T’POLA Vulcan research vessel.
ARCHERLet’s see it.
On screen, Shal-Tar is dropping out of warp. Pic cuts to Vulcan captain Vorek on his bridge.
VOREKThis is Commander Vorek of the Vulcan vessel Shal-Tar. I offer the greetings of my governmentand the request that diplomatic relations may be opened.
ARCHERWhat are they doing?
VOREKWe will await your reply on the edge of your system.
Pic cuts outside. Four Bruk ships drop into space and open fire on the Shal-Tar.
VOREKThis is a diplomatic mission. We...
Pic cuts off. Silence.
T’POLThere were two hundred forty aboard.
ARCHERBegin battle drills immediately.
INT. ENTERPRISE.Lengthy montage of the crew being drilled and put through their paces. Malcolm drillingthem with weapons. Practise at the firing ranges. Trip working on the engines. Crewmenrunning along corridors carrying weapons. Archer observes them.
ARCHER (VO)Captain’s starlog supplemental. I’m not a soldier. When I see the crew preparing for war, Ifeel that I’m betraying the ideals this ship was built to embody. What my father strove for –what I believe in.. We should be bringing peace and friendship to new worlds. We’re not.
INT. ARCHER’S CABIN.Archer alone. Door opens.
T’POLCaptain, may I have a moment?
ARCHERWhat is it, T’Pol? We don’t have much time.
T’POLI request that you remain on Enterprise and I lead the ground assault on the weapon.
T’POLYou are the ship’s captain. You will be better placed to make command decisions on the bridge.
ARCHERI disagree. You’re more than capable of making decision I’d have to make. Is that the only reason?
T’POLIn the week before Chellan was destroyed, you had developed a friendship with the President.Since then you have been driven in your urge to find those responsible.
ARCHERBillions died, T’Pol.
T’POLAnd the weapon must be destroyed. But as a duty, not a personal crusade for vengeance.
ARCHERYou’re out of line.
T’POLI don’t believe so. And you haven’t slept in almost three days.
ARCHERT’Pol, I was talking to the man when he died. I owe it to him to make sure it doesn’t happenagain. Do you understand?
T’POLI withdraw my request to lead the ground attack – on condition that you sleep at least four of the five hours before we reach Bruk.
ARCHERThat’s hardly practical. I’ll have Phlox give me a stimulant.
T’POLYour coffee would be as useful.
ARCHERCoffee? I...
He turns. T’Pol puts her hand on his neck – not a nerve pinch but something similar with a less violent reaction from the victim. She catches Archer as he slumps. She lowers him to his bed. He’s out cold. T’Pol heads for the door.
T’POLSleep well, captain.
She leaves.
INT. ENTERPRISE.Reed is dishing out phase pistols to a line of crewmembers, all are dressed for hostile weather-conditions on the planet.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Ship is in warp.
INT. BRIDGE.T’Pol is seated in the captain’s chair. Hoshi is at her position, Mayweather at his, but Reed is absent from his post.
T’POLT’Pol to shuttlepod One. We are about to drop out of warp. Has the captain joined you yet?
ARCHER (on comm)I’m here, T’Pol. We’re going to have a long talk when I get back.
T’POLUnderstood. Stand by for launch.
INT. SHUTTLEPOD 1.Trip is up front with Archer. Behind them the pod is filled with crewmembers. More than it should be carrying.
TRIPSounds serious.
TRIPAnything to do with why you went missing for four hours?
T’POLShuttlepods, you are cleared for launch.
ARCHERUnderstood. Any company?
INT. BRIDGE.Crewman at tactical nods to T’Pol. Two Bruk ships appear on screen.
T’POLTwo Bruk ships closing. We’ll try to keep them occupied until you are on the surface.
ARCHERLook after my ship while I’m gone.
T’POLI will do my best.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.The shuttlepods emerge from the underbelly of the ship and head away for the planet.Even from space Bruk looks dead.
TRAVISThe shuttlepods are clear.
T’POLSet course for the largest artificial satellites around the asteroid.
TRAVISYes, ma’am.
T’POLOpen fire with the phase cannon as soon as the satellites as within range. That shouldget their attention.
EXT. SPACE.The shuttlepods move into the atmosphere. Further out in space, Enterprise moves towards large satellites. The cannons appear from the ship’s hull and open fire on the satellites. The satellites explode.
TRAVISThe Bruk ships are increasing speed to intercept. If you wanted their attention, you’ve got it.
T’POLTake us behind the asteroid.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise moves away around the planet, the two Bruk ships in pursuit.
TRIPIt’s working. They’re following Enterprise.
ARCHERAsteroid surface, one minute from... mark. Malcolm?
REED (VO)Right beside you, sir.
ARCHERGood. (to crew)Okay. Stand by. We’re going in.
EXT. SHUTTLE PODS.The pods swoop low over the dead, barren landscape.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise moves through space around the asteroid.
T’POLOnce the asteroid is masking us from the ships, increase speed.
MAYWEATHERThey’ll be able to follow our ion trail.
T’POLI know.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise accelerates round the asteroid.
EXT. ASTEROID SURFACE.The pods attach themselves to the side of the installation.
INT. ASTEROID.A hole is cut in the metal bulkhead and Archer leads his crew into the base.
ARCHER Come on. Eyes sharp.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.The ship halts in space behind the asteroid.
T’POLHold position. Prepare one torpedo.
TRAVISBut there are two ships following…
T’POLOne torpedo. Jettisoned into space. Now.
T’POLEnsign, take us to fifty metres above the asteroid’s surface.
TRAVISFifty meters.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise moves towards the asteroid’s surface. A torpedo topples away from Enterprise.
TRAVISFifty meters. That’s... spitting distance.
T’POLAll stop. Ready weapons.
HOSHIBoth Bruk ships coming into range – one from either side of the asteroid.
T’POLHave we been detected?
TRAVISWe’re being protected by metal deposits on the surface. They’re following ourion trail. They’re almost on top of...
T’POLDetonate torpedo now.
EXT. SPACE.Bruk ships closing on Enterprise’s former position. The torpedo explodes, rippinginto the hull of one of the ships. Heavy damage to the ship.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The detonation and damage are on screen.
TRAVISOne ship took the brunt of the explosion. Its engines are off-line. They’re ventingplasma, atmosphere...
T’POLCourse 163 mark 4, full impulse. Use the debris from the damaged ship to maskour approach. Open fire, all weapons.
EXT. SPACE.Enterprise moves away from the asteroid, straight up towards the damaged ship,which is spewing debris and atmosphere from hull ruptures.Beyond the damaged ship is the second Bruk vessel. Laser cannons emerge fromthe Enterprise’s hull. As the Enterprise moves through the debris, it opens fire onthe undamaged Bruk ship. It returns fire.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The ship is hit and shaken. Sparks around the bridge.
T’POLMaintain fire.
TRAVISNo damage so far. The second ship had time to raise some kind of defence system.
T’POLContinue firing. (hits intercom control)Transport now.
INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM.A torpedo is on the transporter pad. A crewman operates the controls and the torpedo disappears.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Ship shakes again.
TRANSPORTER CREWMAN (on comm)Transport complete.
T’POLPrepare another torpedo.
HOSHIWe won’t need it for that ship.
On screen – Explosion in Bruk ship.
TRAVISThe torpedo detonated in their engine room as planned.
On screen – more explosions hit the Bruk ship.
T’POLTake us back to the weapon, full impulse.
EXT. SPACE.Enterprise moves away. The Bruk ship is rocked by more small explosions, then explodes.
INT. ASTEROID.Enterprise crew moving forward. In the distance is what looks like an industrial complex. Archer, Trip and Reed duck behind a low wall as laser fire comes in.
ARCHER (reading padd)We hit their defences in twenty meters.
TRIP (looking at padd)They’re not playing. They don’t want visitors.
ARCHERToo bad. (into communicator)T’Pol, are you there?
T’POL (VO on communicator)In orbit directly above you, captain.
ARCHERWe’re sending the co-ordinates of defences ahead of us. Try to disrupt the power.
INT. INTERPRISE BRIDGE.T’Pol reads incoming data.
T’POLCaptain, these co-ordinates are dangerously close to your position.
ARCHER (VO on communicator)I know. Archer out.
T’POLTarget phase cannons on power relay at these co-ordinates. Fire.
EXT. SPACE.Exterprise cannons fire.
INT. ASTEROID.Lights dim. Alarm sounds. Asteroid shakes under the fire.
TRIPWe’re clear.
ARCHER (into communicator)We’ve got our path.
T’POL (VO on communicator)We have company closing on our position.
ARCHERKeep me posted.
T’POLI’ll do my best. Enterprise out. Status?
TRAVISTwo Bruk ships closing fast.And they’re a lot bigger than the last two.
T’POLCourse 121 mark 32. Use the nearer of the ships as a shield against the furthest vessel.
TRAVISYes, ma’am.
T’POLStand by weapons.
Enterprise shakes as it is hit. Sparks.
TRAVISThey’re closing.
T’POLWait. Wait.. now. Fire phase cannons.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise fires on Bruk ship. Repeated bursts of fire.
TRAVISNo damage to their ship.
T’POLFire torpedo.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Torpedo fired. Impacts on the hull of the Bruk ship. Moderate damage.
TRAVISTheir forward weapons are off-line.
T’POLTarget aft weapons. Open fire. Keep using that ship as a shield.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise fires at Bruk ship. It returns fire from aft weapons. Firefight.
INT. ASTEROID.Archer leads his party through damaged corridors.
REEDFour hundred meters.
TRIPCaptain. We’ve got two power readings.
TRIPThat main building has the weapon for certain, but the protective shield around itis powered from somewhere else.
ARCHERMalcolm, I want that power off.
ARCHERFind a way. We need to take that out before we can get to the weapon. Take a team.
REEDAye, sir.
From ahead, the whine of a power build-up. Archer checks his computer.
ARCHERWe don’t have much time.
REEDWe’ll get it done.
Reed, collecting 3 or 4 others, heads away.
TRIPYou think we have a chance in hell of pulling this off?
ARCHERLet’s get moving.
TRIPThat’s what I figured.
They move on.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The ship is being shaken heavily by incoming fire.
T’POLMr Mayweather, keep the damaged ship as a shield.
TRAVISI’m trying but that’s pushing us into range of those aft weapons.
T’POLMaintain fire on their weapons system.
TRAVISWe can’t break down whatever shields they have.
Another heavy hit. Major sparks fly. The ship is being pounded. The lights flicker.
T’POLContinuous fire.
TRAVISThat last hit’s made her sluggish.
HOSHIHere comes the second ship.
A bigger hit. Sparks fly.
HOSHICan’t you transport a torpedo aboard them too?
T’POLWe can’t get a signal through their shielding well enough to deliver a torpedo.
T’Pol heads to her science station. Inspects readings.
T’POL (into comm, pressing controls)Transporter room. Lock trabsporters on these co-ordinates.
HOSHIYou said we could beam a torpedo in.
T’POLWe’re not beaming anything in. We’re taking it out.
Another hit.
T’POLTransporter room. Energise – and hold whatever you catch in the transporter buffer.
On screen, the injured ship instantly stop firing. Lights on the ship dim.
TRAVISPart of their warp core has gone.
T’POLTransporter room, beam the warp core to these co-ordinates.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.The warp material materialises near the second Bruk ship. It explodes, damaging the ship.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The ship is rocked.
TRAVISBoth ships have hull breaches.
Another hit.
T’POLThey still have wepaons. Target both ships. Phase cannon and torpedos.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise fires on both ships Major impacts.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Again, Enterprise lets rip. Huge damage to the two ships. Out of control, theyplough into each other.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The crew watch the ships collide and explode.
TRAVISWe did it. We did it.
T’POLMaintain alert. (to Hoshi)Get reports from damage crews.
T’POL (into comm)T’Pol to Archer.
INT. ASTEROID.Archer and his party are creeping forward, taking cover behind walls. Archer answerscommunicator.
ARCHERHere. How are things up there?
T’POLWe have extensive damage to most systems but the ship is still functioning.
TRIPWork for me when we get home.
ARCHERWhat about the Bruk ships?
T’POLLocal ships have been dealt with. Sensors detect that their perimeter fleet has beenrecalled. The first ships will be here in less than ten minutes.
ARCHERCan you deal with them? (no answer)T’Pol?
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.T’Pol is aware that the crew are looking at her.
ARCHERI said..
T’POLI heard you, captain. Mr Mayweather, how many Bruk ships are closing on our position?
TRAVISFour. No, make that six. All warships. At least as big as the last two.
T’POLI believe that answers your question, captain.
INT. ASTEROID.Archer and Trip know the ship is doomed.
T’POLWe will hold them as long as we can.
ARCHER (stowing communicator)T’Pol will do... what she can. We have our own job to do.
TRIPThat door’s our way in.
The doorway slides open.
TRIPThey inviting us in?
ARCHERI don’t think so.
The Bruk emerge. This is our first look at them so they should emerge slowly and withmenace. Metallic, matt black – color seems to be drained into them. They are metal ballsabout a meter in diameter, and hover above the ground. They’re still, unmoving for along moment.
TRIPThink they want to talk?
BRUKNon-Bruk life-forms detected.
The Bruk open fire. Vicious, aggressive laser blasts, tearing chunks out of walls.
TRIPGuess not.
ARCHERReturn fire.
BRUKAll non-Bruk life must be eradicated.
Enterprise crew return fire. Their weapons are deflected off the Bruk. The fire forcesthe Bruk backwards slightly but they are unharmed.
ARCHERThey have shielding.
TRIPWe should fall back.
TRIPCaptain, they’re almost on top of us. Jon!
ARCHERWe can’t back off. There’s no time.
More Bruk fire. Enterprise crewman falls, injured.
TRIPWe can’t win.
ARCHERWe stand and fight.
TRIPAye, captain.
Firefight continues.
INT. ASTEROID.Reed leads his party through corridor.
REEDStay alert – and keep those jamming devices at full. (checking hand scanner)This door.
Door stays shut. He attaches a computer padd to the door controls. It cycles throughcodes then the door slides open.
REEDInside. One of you stand guard here.
They go inside, one crewman standing guard. Reed holds scanner/padd over the controls.
REED See if you can decipher the controls.
Padd chirps.
REED Come on. Come on. Prepare explosive charges.
Padd chirps. Reed moves to control panel.
REEDIf these readings are correct, this should cut power to the main complex.
Operates control. Lights fade – a yell from the crewman at the door. The door is slidingshut. He is jammed in the doorway – only the crewman is keeping the door open and heis being crushed. The controls begin to spark and explode.
REED It’s a trap. Everybody out. Out.
Consoles explode. Crewmen thrown to ground. Reed and others trying to open the doorclosing on the partially-crushed crewman left on guard. The door is heaved open eventually.
REEDOut. Now. (to injured crewman)How bad is it? Michaels?
No answer. Incoming fire. Enterprise crew take what shelter they can round corners as Bruk approach.
REEDTake cover. Return fire.
Reed opens communicator.
REEDReed to Archer.
INT. ASTEROID.Archer answers. Weapon fire all around.
ARCHERGo ahead.
REEDThe control room was a decoy. A fake. And I fell for it. ARCHERWe all did. Can you find another way to kill the power?
REEDWe’re pinned down, captain.
ARCHERSo are we. Do what you can.
TRIPOur weapons aren’t getting through that armour.
ARCHER (thoughtful)Armour? Is it metal?
BRUKAll aliens must be destroyed.
TRIPI can’t get a decent reading but it looks metal to me.
ARCHER Give me one of the mines.
Trip hands over mine – small circular mine. Archer sets control on it.
ARCHERFive second delay...
He slides mine along floor towards the Bruk.
TRIPIt needs to be closer to get through the armour.
Light on mine changes colour. A bleep and the mine magnetizes. It is yankedup by the magnetism and attaches itself to a Bruk’s casing.
Big explosion. Dust clears – two of the Bruk are down, one almost unrecognisable.
TRIPI’ll be damned. You set it to magnetize itself.
ARCHERUse the mines to take those things out.
TRIPYou got it.
Trip slides a mine forward. Archer opens communicator.
INT. ASTEROID.Reed on communicator. Half of his team fighting rear-guard action. The rest return fromother direction.
ARCHERWe’ve got a way of fighting back.
REEDI heard – I’ve been listening in. We’re already using the mines. (to crewman)They’re set? Good.
ARCHERI thought the control room was fake.
REEDIt is. But the power is channelled nearby. We’re going to use the mines to disrupt thepower-flow. We hope. We’ve no idea what will happen when we detonate the explosives.
ARCHERGood luck.
REEDYes, sir.
Closes communicator. He holds padd.
REEDEverybody down.
INT. ASTEROID.Remaining few Bruk shoot mines as they are thrown. Explosions now don’t damagethe Bruk shielding.
TRIPThey got wise to us.
BRUKAliens must be destroyed.
ARCHERTry two mines at once.
TRIPWe’re running short on them.
Huge explosion shakes them.
ARCHERMust have been.
Power begins to dip. Bruk move erratically.
ARCHERThey must get their power from a main source. Try their shields again. Fire.
Enterprise crew fire on Bruk. They take the impacts full on. No shields. They takeheavy damage and go down, holes blasted in their shells.
TRIPThat’s one we owe you, Malcolm.
ARCHERInside – quickly.
Crew run for doorway. Archer stops and looks at the contents of a damaged Brukcase – at a Bruk. It’s alien – multi-limbed, all of which are hooked into some connectioninside the casing. It looks intelligent, developed and totally malicious.
ARCHERWhy? Why kill all those people? Why do you hate everybody?
BRUKOnly the Bruk will survive.
One of the limbs flaps at Archer, slicing his cheek. He steps back and fires intothe casing.
INT. ASTEROID. TACHYON WEAPON’S CONTROL ROOM.Trip is examining controls. Other crew are also checking out the system. Veryadvanced, very complex.
ARCHERWhat do you think?
TRIPI think I don’t know what the hell these controls do. Maybe if we had T’Pol here. Hoshi to translate...
ARCHERWe don’t.
TRIPBest I can make out, somewhere in this asteroid there’s a kind of collection chamber fortachyons. Damn near full.
ARCHERCan we get rid of them? Shut it down?
TRIPIt’s not designed to hold them for any time and there’s nowhere in the universe we cansend them because they don’t belong here.
ARCHERFind a way to destroy them. The whole place. I don’t want this weapon ever used again.
TRIPI’ll see what I can do.
Reed and his people arrive – they’re covered with dust and grime, also showing injuries.
ARCHERMalcolm? How are your people?
REEDBeen better. Sorry we took a while, sir.
ARCHERThere has to be a tactical station of some kind in here. See if you can find it.
Archer heads back to Trip.
TRIPThis panel’s making no sense to me. I think our best shot is for Enterprise to hitthis place with every torpedo she’s got left.
REEDI think Enterprise is a bit busy at the moment.
Display show six ships of one color swarming one of another.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.The entire ship shakes as it is hit repeatedly.
TRAVISThey have us boxed in.
T’POL112 mark 32. Fire torpedoes.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise shows signs of a beating. The Bruk ships are close. Enterprise firestorpedoes at the closest ship. They hit. No major damage.
TRAVISNo major damage.
T’POLPhase cannons.
On screen. Fire from the phase cannons hits the closest ship.
T’POL (checks quickly)Change pitch by 140 degrees.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise rolls through around 140 degrees. Laser fire slides under the ship. Hitsanother Bruk ship.
TRAVISThey have a hull breach. Structural integrity is failing.
T’POLTarget ship at 182 mark 12. Fire torpedo.
CREWMANWe’re out of torpedoes.
T’POLPhase cannon. Continuous fire. Take us in close, Mr Mayweather.
TRAVISHow close?
T’POLI believe you call it spitting distance.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise moves away from stricken Bruk ship. Fires at closest ship with phasecannons. Incoming fire from other Bruk ships. One of them peels away towardsthe asteroid. Enterprise takes more hits.
HOSHIOne of their ships is heading for the asteroid.
Ship takes a hit, shakes.
T’POLI’m aware of that, ensign. Target that vessel. Fire.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Phase cannons fire. Minimal damage to ship. Incoming fire hits Enterprise, shearingoff the phase cannons.
TRAVISWe’ve lost the phase cannon.
HOSHIWe’ve no weapons?
T’POLEvasive course.
Huge impact. Major sparks and fires. Crewman at tactical is sent flying. Travis’ controls catch fire. He reaches through fire to controls.
TRAVISIt’s okay. If I can reach the...
Another hit. T’Pol hit a glancing blow by debris. Green blood from a cut. Travis’ controls erupt with huge flames. He’s thrown back, clutching his burned hands. Hoshi runs to him.
T’POL (into comm)Doctor Phlox, medical emergency on the bridge.
INT. SICKBAY.Phlox has serious injuries all around him.
PHLOXI’m somewhat busy at the moment, Sub-Commander. I’ll be with you as soon as I can.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.T’Pol has sprayed Travis’ controls with a gas fire extinguisher.
T’POLAs quickly as you can, doctor. Bridge out. Hoshi, these controls are damagedbut serviceable. Take over from ensign Mayweather.
HOSHII can’t pilot Enterprise.
T’POLAll bridge officers have had training at the helm. Take over. That’s an order.
Hoshi takes the helm. Uncomfortable.
T’POLHold us close to an enemy ship. Too close for them to risk firing at us without hitting their own vessel.
HOSHIYes, ma’am.
Hoshi gingerly operates controls. T’Pol looks around at the mess on the ship.
T’POLT’Pol to Archer.
ARCHER (VO)Archer. How are things up there?
T’POLNot good. A Bruk ship has passed us and is landing on the asteroid.
ARCHERWe spotted it.
T’POLWe have no weapons and have taken heavy damage.
ARCHERGet Enterprise out of there.
T’POLI don’t think we can fight our way clear, captain.
Big hit shakes the Enterprise.
ARCHER (into communicator)T’Pol? T’Pol?
Looks round crew - they all fear the worst.
ARCHERWe won’t be getting those torpedoes from Enterprise, Trip.
TRIPI guess not. Kind of leaves us just one choice, doesn’t it? They’ve got a nicebig nuclear reactor powering this place. Overload that, mix the explosionwith the tachyons and...
ARCHERI can guess the rest. How long?
TRIPOnce it starts, there’s no stopping it – and Enterprise can’t come get us off this rock.
Trip sets to the controls. Archer flips open his communicator.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.Enterprise shakes.
T’POLKeep us close to them, ensign. T’Pol to Archer. Please respond.
No answer.
T’POL (into intercom)This is the bridge, all hands to escape pods. Abandon ship. Repeat, all handsabandon ship. (switches off)That includes you, ensign.
HOSHII’ll take my chances here.
T’POLEnsign, we have no chance of survival and no weapons. Our only chance ofcompleting our mission is to make Enterprise a weapon. You understand?
HOSHIYes. But they don’t they take prisoners. I’ll stay.
Bleep from console.
HOSHISame goes for the rest of the crew. They’re not leaving.
T’POLVery well. Full speed from impulse engines. Stand by to ram the weapon.
INT. ASTEROID.Bruk move through the complex. Desolation around them.
BRUK All aliens are to be eliminated.
INT. ASTEROID. WEAPON CONTROL ROOM.It’s empty, quiet. Bruk move into the room. No sign of Archer or the Enterprise crew.One of the Bruk hovers over to the controls and extends a probe arms from its casingwhich hooks into the controls. As soon as it does a surge of power courses throughthe Bruk which explodes. More explosions begin around the control room.
EXT. ENTERPRISE.Enterprise is under attack as she heads for the asteroid. Trailing Bruk ships firing on her.
HOSHIAft hull plating’s down.
T’POLMaintain course.
HOSHIThe Bruk ship on the surface has lifted off. Heading straight for us.
T’POLI’m reading three ships. Hold course, full speed.
A bleep.
ARCHER (VO)Sub-Commander, I hope you’re not thinking of doing anything stupid with my ship.
INT. BRUK SHIP.Trip is trying to control the ship. Wrecked Bruk on the floor. Trip using paddhooked to controls to pilot ship.
ARCHERWe borrowed a ship from the Bruk after the shuttle pods cut in and ferried usover to the landing bay. Do you have warp speed?
T’POL (VO)Ensign?
HOSHIIt’s pretty much all we do have.
ARCHERHoshi? Are you piloting Enterprise?
HOSHIWasn’t my idea.
ARCHERTuck in behind us. We’ll cut a path through those ships. And stand by to go to warp assoon as the shuttle pods are aboard. We don’t want to be here in a few minutes.
ARCHERTrip, you got the weapons ready.
TRIPI think so. Either that or I programmed in my grandma’s recipe for pecan pie.
ARCHER Let’s hope.
EXT. EXTERPRISE.The Bruk ship passes Enterprise with the shuttle pods closing on Enterprise. The littlefleet heads for the Bruk ships with Archer’s ship opening fire on the other Bruk vessels.Enterprise takes a shuttle pod aboard.
TRIPWe’re almost through.
ARCHERWe’re out of time.
INT. ASTEROID.The complex overloads. Explosions begin to go through the asteroid.
EXT. ASTEROID.The asteroid explodes. More than just an explosion though – an explosion that seemsto distort space.
HOSHIThe second shuttle pod’s aboard.
T’POLWarp speed now, ensign.
EXT. SPACE.The shockwave from the exploding asteroid crashes into the Bruk ships, destroying them.First the captured Bruk vessel and then Enterprise leap to warp, a fraction before theshockwave hits them. As the wave dissipates, planets asteroids and moons all throughthe system waver out of existence.
ARCHERT’Pol? What’s happening to them?
T’POLI don’t know, captain.
INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE.T’Pol is at her science station.
T’POLBut the entire solar system has gone.
T’POL (VO)It no longer registers on any of the sensors.
Archer stares at screen.
INT. SICKBAY.Archer is in sickbay. He has a dressing on his cheek. Others are in beds, obviouslyhurt far worse. Archer beside Travis. Phlox is busy.
ARCHER (VO)Captain’s log, supplemental. We came through it. Most of us, anyway. We had threefatalities. I’m surprised it’s not more. But it’s still three families who’ve lost loved ones.Three crewmates and friends we’ve lost.
INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR.Repair crews are working on damage from the battle.
ARCHER (VO)Knowing that they died doing what was right doesn’t make it any easier. We didn’t pickthis fight. We didn’t want it. We didn’t...
INT. ARCHER’S CABIN.Archer is staring out of the window.
ARCHER We didn’t...
Door chime.
ARCHER Come in.
T’Pol enters. Hands over padd.
T’POLReport on our repairs. We’re ahead of schedule.
ARCHERAny idea about what happened to the Bruk system?
T’POLA theory, nothing more. Tachyons have a special relationship with time. It is possiblethat the energy released in the explosion caused the techyons to react, shifting thesystem out of synchronisation with the universe.
ARCHERThey wanted a universe to themselves and now they have one.
T’POLPerhaps. It’s only a theory.
ARCHERYou used some interesting tactics against those ships.
T’POLIn war we adapt to survive.
ARCHERWe didn’t come out here to fight a war.
ARCHERWe came as explorers. We didn’t expect to find... this.
T’POLHumans are gregarious, adventurous and occasionally reckless in their dealings withother species.
ARCHERIs that a fact?
T’POLAn opinion. Many species do not share your ideals.
T’POLThat does not mean you should abandon those ideals.
T’POLRaces can co-exist peacefully. They must. It is the only logical course of action.
ARCHERI hope so.
T’Pol heads for the door.
ARCHERWait a minute.
ARCHERStay. Please. I could use the company.
He goes back to staring out of the window. She joins him. Both thoughtful.