The Lone Warrior
an unmade audio story
Part Three
Part Three
1.Recapping from Part 2.The Doctor is snooping in the Fair.
DOCTOR Good grief.
Raps on metal.
DOCTOR Dutrenium alloy hull. Heat shielded. It’s a short-range space-transport.
He opens the door.
DOCTOR Hello ? Anybody home ? Hello ?
He creeps in. The ship’s systems buzz and hum quietly.
DOCTOR Hello ?
COMPUTER In... In... Intruder.
DOCTOR Who ? Me ? No, I’m just selling insurance. Third party, fire and theft. I’ll pop back later.
COMPUTER Intruder. Initiating defence systems.
DOCTOR No ! Wait ! Don’t...
The sound of an electronic weapon. The Doctor yells then falls hard to the deck.
COMPUTER Intruder detected and neautralised.
The sound of heavy footsteps.
VARSH So I see.
2.The hotel.Tess and Abberline are shuffling papers. Mrs Potter is bustling about, tutting.
MRS POTTER Are you two still cluttering that table with papers ?
TESS No. We’re having a sing-song just like the music halls. Join in.
MRS POTTER There’s no need for sarcasm, my girl. And I don’t approve of the music halls. Immoral places, what with those dancing girls showing their underclothes and the like.
ABBERLINE Really ? Which hall’s that than ? Must give it a look.
MRS POTTER And I expect better of you.
ABBERLINE You can’t know me very well.
MRS POTTER Well, that’s as may be, but I need this table. I’ve got other guests to feed, so I’d be obliged if you’d move these papers and books and all the rest so’s I can lay the table.
ABBERLINE We’ve had no luck anyway. We could probably use the break.
MRS POTTER What is all this anyway ?
ABBERLINE Police business, now if you don’t mind...
Rustling of papers.
MRS POTTER And what in the Good Lord’s name is that terrible symbol you’ve drawn everywhere ?(Outraged)You’ve even drawn it on the table-cloth ! That’ll be extra on your bill.
TESS Fine. We’ll keep the table-cloth, then.
MRS POTTER This is appalling. This was a respectable house before you lot came in.
TESS Moaning old...
ABBERLINE Careful. It’s a respectable house, remember ?
TESS How can I forget with that old trout buzzing about ? I thought the Doctor would be back by now.
ABBERLINE Same here. He’s a cunning one, the Doctor. He’ll be all right.
TESS I’d have thought a copper would be a better liar than that.
ABBERLINE I’m out of practice.
TESS The Doctor told us we couldn’t go with him to the Fair but he never said we couldn’t follow him.
ABBERLINE The Doctor would go potty if he heard that.
A moment’s thought.
ABBERLINE I’ll get my coat.
4.Varsh’s ship.
VARSH Status ?
COMPUTER Expected repair time, forty-three Earth hours.
VARSH Cut life-support repairs to minimum and continue.
COMPUTER Orders understood.
There’s a thump at the door of the ship. Varsh lumbers off and answers.
VARSH What is it ?
STEDGEWICK That’s a nice greeting, I must say. Aren’t you going to invite me in ? Put the kettle on ?
VARSH No. Speak if you have something to say.
STEDGEWICK Your manners is getting worse. We shall have to have a chat about that later. Meantime, keep your eyes peeled. One of the lads reckons he saw that scrote who did a runner from here yesterday. Regular clothes, black coat and all that this time, but he did reckon it was the face feller. Watch out for him. Could be the filth.
VARSH Filth ?
STEDGEWICK Peelers. Police.
VARSH I will stay alert.
STEDGEWICK One of these days I wouldn’t mind you giving me a proper look at this ship-thing of yours.
VARSH Each of us has hopes that will never come true.
Door closes loud and hard.
5.Varsh’s ship. Exterior.Stedgewick is not a happy bunny. Cassidy joins him. Grunts a greeting.
STEDGEWICK I told him, Cassidy. Told him my patience was wearing thin and all.
Grunt from Cassidy.
STEDGEWICK You’re right. We still need him.
6.Varsh’s ship. Interior.Varsh is listening to Stedgewick’s conversation. It sounds a bit muted and muffled. The communication system isn’t working at 100%.
STEDGEWICK For now, but once he’s done us a few more blags we can take him for a nice cruise and see how well the strongman swims.
VARSH Primitive imbecile.
Switches off communication system.
VARSH I will see you dead before I leave this planet. Are all humans so treacherous ?
No answer from anybody.
VARSH You, speak now. I know you have been awake for several minutes listening. Speak or I will hand you over to Stedgewick.
DOCTOR Oh, very well. Do you mind if I sit up ? This floor isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing sight in the cosmos, especially this close when you’re face down on it.
VARSH Sit if you wish.
The doctor shuffling and struggling to sit.
DOCTOR This isn’t exactly easy with these binders holding my hands behind my back. You could help, you know. Oh, suit yourself. If you knew I was awake why didn’t you say something ?
VARSH Other, more pressing tasks demanded my attention.
DOCTOR (Still struggling)Like fixing this old rust-bucket of yours ? Looks like it was a bit of a rough landing.
The Doctor has shuffled to a sitting position and is rather pleased with himself.
DOCTOR There ! That’s better. Now we can see each other. Good grief.
VARSH You find my appearance disgusting ?
DOCTOR Not a bit. I’ve seen life-forms you wouldn’t believe. Physical appearance has never been that important to me - except for my own sense of fashion of course. No, I was just wondering what one of your Order is doing on Earth working at a Fun Fair.
VARSH My Order ?
DOCTOR Look, don’t play stupid with me. I’d know that armour anywhere. You’re one of the Honourable Order of the Knights of Shenk, the most noble brotherhood of warriors is the known galaxy. And you’re a general ? Very impressive.
VARSH The rabble on this planet have barely advanced from the primal swap. How can you know of our Order ?
DOCTOR I happen to come from a different primal swamp a couple of hundred light years that way. I’d point, but it’s rather difficult like this. You’d think I’d be used to it by now, the number of times people tie me up and lob me in dungeons.
VARSH Be quiet !
DOCTOR No need to shout. Mind you, I can’t help wondering what someone as honest as you is doing robbing banks. It’s not exactly what I’d expect from a Knight of Shenk..Computer blip.
VARSH I am more interested in why you are on this planet.
DOCTOR Computer confirmed I’m not human, then ? Actually, it’s a favourite planet of mine. A home from home if you like. I drop by regularly from time to time to time. Keep an eye on the old place.
VARSH Which does not explain your interest in local robberies.
DOCTOR Personally, I couldn’t care less about the robberies. I’ve always thought money was an over-rated concept.
VARSH Interesting.
DOCTOR But what does attract my attention is murder. Particularly the sort of murders that are happening in this city just now.
VARSH I did not kill the law officer.
DOCTOR Not the policeman, though that’s inexcusable in itself. No, I mean the women who are being murdered and mutilated.
VARSH I know nothing of these women, whoever they are.
DOCTOR Whoever they are ? They were people who might not have had much of a life but it was their life. Nobody had the right to take those lives from them.
VARSH These must be the murders Stedgewick spoke of. He also assumed my guilt.
DOCTOR Are you saying you hadn’t even heard of these murders ?
VARSH Only in vague terms. I do not pay close attention to the local news...
DOCTOR Doctor. Most people call me the Doctor. On your honour as a Knight of Shenk, do you assure me that you have nothing to do with these killings ?
VARSH On my honour.
DOCTOR Well, since you’re the most honour-bound society in the galaxy, I suppose I have to believe you.
VARSH Thank you.
DOCTOR Which leaves me back at square one, without a murder suspect.
VARSH It also leaves you sitting bound on the floor of my ship.
DOCTOR Yes, would you mind doing something about that ? It really is jolly uncomfortable.
VARSH You may be assured of my honour, Doctor, but I still have questions about your intentions.
DOCTOR I refuse to be interrogated in this position. It’s a highly undignified position - particularly for a former Lord President of the High Council of Gallifrey.
VARSH A Time Lord.
DOCTOR Yes. And one who’s wondering why someone as honourable as you has taken up robbing banks. A question you’ve avoided answering so far.
VARSH How much do you know of the rules and traditions of our Order, Doctor ?
DOCTOR Only a little, I must admit. You tend to be a secretive lot.
VARSH Which you as a Time Lord will understand only too well.
DOCTOR Touche. All right. You’re an Order of warrior knights who go looking for battles like mercenaries, except that you fight for honour instead of money. You’ve protected planets and peoples and across half of this side of the galaxy.
VARSH And made many enemies.
DOCTOR And a lot of friends, too. Billions of life forms out there owe their existence to you. That’s not to be forgotten in a hurry.
VARSH Did you know that the Knights of Shenk do not eat, Doctor ?
DOCTOR Can’t say I did.
VARSH Long ago, our founders decided that eating was an inefficient way of ingesting the nutrients our bodies need. They devised an alternative.
Varsh removes the glass phial he got from Stedgewick earlier.
DOCTOR That ? Hardly very appetising, is it ? Murky green gunk in a little jar.
VARSH It is all that keeps me alive. I was returning from a small planet, Brora Feta.
DOCTOR Ah, the pleasure world. I know it well.
VARSH It had been under attack from raiders for quite some time.
DOCTOR And you dealt with the raiders.
VARSH Swiftly, but while on Brora Feta I discovered that a crime organisation we had fought on many worlds had placed a bounty on the Knights of Shenk. Assassins and bounty hunters across the galaxy have been sent to track down and exterminate our brotherhood.
DOCTOR One of them caught up with you, I take it.
VARSH In a sneak ambush. A dishonourable tactic. I crashed on this miserable planet and was found by an even more miserable human.
DOCTOR This Stedgewick fellow ?
VARSH He found me exhausted and crawling towards my supply of nutrients. He quickly discovered that if he controlled the nutrients, he could control me.
DOCTOR And he’s been using you to commit these robberies.
VARSH And act like an animal in his show. I would have taken the honourable route and finished my own life except for the fact that I must find a way of returning to my brothers - or at least find a way of alerting them.
DOCTOR I might be able to help you there.
VARSH You have a ship.
DOCTOR Yes. Not far from here. But I can’t leave without finding this killer first. Perhaps if I knew what that symbol he cuts onto the shoulders of his victims means.
VARSH The killer cuts a symbol into his prey’s shoulders ? Describe it.
DOCTOR Ornate. A straight line with curls from one end and a sort of shell spiral at the other. Do you recognise it ? You do.
VARSH The signature of a Jopar Assassin.DOCTOR I assume that’s who made you crash here in the first place.
VARSH It is also a challenge. The way in which they draw their target into the open.
DOCTOR Either you face him or he’ll carry on killing innocent people.
VARSH I must take the challenge.
DOCTOR Poppycock. What you must do is let me contact the police so that we can catch the villain.
VARSH This must be honourable. If I should die tonight, Doctor, tell my people what you know.
DOCTOR Varsh, wait. Stop.
Door closes.
DOCTOR At least untie me.
7.The Fair.Varsh lumbers out.STEDGEWICK Varsh, what’ve I told you ? Don’t come out in public. There’s punters about. Where’s the shock for them if they already seen you out here ? Get back in th...
Stedgewick is choked off. Varsh has him by the gullet and is squeezing.
STEDGEWICK (Choking badly)Let go. Put me down.
VARSH You will give me the full supply of nutrient you stole from my ship or I will snap your neck.
STEDGEWICK (Still choking)Not a chance.
The choking gets more pronounced.
VARSH Cassidy. Get the nutrients or your master dies here.
A crowd is gathering, and chattering.
VARSH Is this a good show for the public, Stedgewick ? Am I showing enough strength ? Or should I lift you from the ground with one hand ?
The choking gets even more pronounced.STEDGEWICK (Barely understandable)Get it, Cass. Get him what he wants.
Cassidy grunts assent and runs off.
VARSH Wise, Stedgewick. You may live to see another morning.
Stedgewick chokes until Cassidy returns a few seconds later, grunting.
VARSH Give it to me.
Cassidy grunts and hands it over. The sound of a glass phial being applied. The crowd is still muttering and mumbling. Varsh sighs.
VARSH At last.
He throws Stedgewick down.
VARSH Stay away from my ship - it is programmed to defend itself against intruders.
Varsh stomps away through the crowd. Cassidy grunts as he tries to help a gasping Stedgewick.
STEDGEWICK (Still struggling for breath)Get off of me ! He won’t get away with this, Cass. Not by a long chalk. Nobody treats Orville Stedgewick like that and gets away with it.(Loud, to the public)Stop him. Don’t let him get away.
WORKER 1 Too late. He’s gone, sir.
STEDGEWICK Call the police. Get the police. He’s Jack the Ripper. Varsh is the Ripper.
Screams of horror.
8.Fair.There’s a general melee.
ABBERLINE What the hell’s happening here ?
TESS We’ll never find the Doctor in all this.
ABBERLINE We’ll find him. And this killer and all.
TESS You didn’t last time.
ABBERLINE We told you, we can’t talk about the Ripper.
TESS Not the Ripper. My dad.
TESS You was in charge of investigating my mum’s death. I told you my old man killed her. I told you over and over but you didn’t listen. He got away with it.
ABBERLINE Oaks ? Rosie Oaks ? She was your mum ?
TESS And you let my dad walk even though you knew he killed her. I saw it in your face. You knew.
ABBERLINE Knowing something and proving it are two different things. I didn’t have enough evidence to nick him.
TESS Liar. You could have had him if you wanted to.
ABBERLINE Not without proof. You was just a nipper. No court would have listened to you.
TESS He almost killed me for telling you. You’re useless. I’m better off on me own.
Tess hurrying through a crowd.
ABBERLINE Wait. Tess. Wait. Damn ! Lost her. Damn crowd.
9.Varsh’s ship.The Doctor is struggling with his bonds.
DOCTOR Whatever else they do, the Order of Shenk make first class wrist binders. I don’t suppose you’d be a good little computer and tell me what the release code is.
No answer.
DOCTOR Didn’t think so. I hope your circuits fry and you get melted down to make a coffee machine. Never mind, I’ll manage.
Struggling, huffing and puffing.
DOCTOR Or perhaps I’ll pop outside and get some help.
COMPUTER Do - Do not try to leave the shi - ship or...
The Doctor boots the computer system - heftily.
DOCTOR Do be quiet.
A complaining sound from the computer. The door opens and the Doctor yells as he falls out.
10.The Fair outside Varsh’s ship.The Doctor lands loudly and wetly in the mud.
ABBERLINE Doctor. Fancy you dropping in like this.
DOCTOR Fred ! Don’t just stand there man, help me up.
The Doctor struggling to his feet.
ABBERLINE Somehow I always knew you’d wind up in cuffs.
DOCTOR We don’t have time for jokes. Help me get these off.
ABBERLINE I wasn’t joking. Fancy stuff, these.
DOCTOR Let’s have a proper look. Simple algorithm sequence. Key in 8 - 7 - 4 - 4 -7 - 1 -2 - 5 - 5 - 6.
Cuffs open.
ABBERLINE You could make a mint on the halls with a trick like that.
DOCTOR A wild guess. We have to find Varsh quickly.
ABBERLINE Us and the rest of London. This Stedgewick feller who owns this place just told the police Varsh is the Ripper. Attacked him in public before scarpering.
DOCTOR Varsh isn’t the Ripper. Quite the reverse. He’s gone looking for the killer.
ABBERLINE What the hell for ?
DOCTOR It’s a long story. I’ll tell you on the way back to Whitechapel. Where’s Tess, by the way ?
ABBERLINE That’s my long story for telling on the way back.
11.London. East End.A police whistle sounds in the distance. It’s now obviously night. Footsteps hurry by.
COPPER Turn those lamps up full, lads. We’ll need all the light we can get tonight. From what I hear, he’s a big one. Don’t want him creeping up on us.
Footsteps head away. After a moment, Varsh sighs heavily and his heavy footsteps hurry across the street.
VARSH Stedgewick.
Varsh’s careful footsteps pick their way along the street until he stops. A gate creaks open and he walks in.
VARSH I know you are here, Jopar coward.
The sound of a knife being pulled clean.
VARSH Come out of the shadows and face me with honour. Or do you prefer killing defenceless women in the dark ? It is all you are fit for.
A shuffling sound in the shadows.
VARSH Are you proud of this ? Another mutilation ?
The sound of a scuffle. Varsh is being attacked. He yells in pain but the fight continues. After a few moments there’s the sound of a copper outside.
COPPER Wait up. I hear something in here.
Gate opens.
COPPER Shine your light this way. Oh, my God.
The Ripper’s footsteps disappear away and then a fence is scrambled over.
COPPER Right, you. Stop there.
Varsh’s heavy footsteps thud away. Policeman blows his whistle loud and repeatedly. Footsteps run up.
DOCTOR What happened ?
COPPER Inspector Abberline.
ABBERLINE (Puffing)Tell the man, Goodge.
COPPER I was passing, and I heard something in here. A sort of scuffling. We looked in and there was two of them. They was fighting. One was huge. Never seen nobody like it, but the other one was small and quick. Had a hood on over his head.
DOCTOR Which way did they go ?
COPPER Over the fence at the back of the yard. I should have chased them but...
ABBERLINE You did right, lad. Stay here till more of the lads arrive.
DOCTOR Hurry up, Fred. The trail’s getting cold.
The Doctor runs and scrambles over the fence. Abberline follows more slowly.
ABBERLINE I’m too old for this.
12.East End.Abberline drops heavily to land beside the Doctor.
ABBERLINE Which way, Doctor ?
DOCTOR Blind alley to the left, locked doors to the right. Straight on.
They run on.
ABBERLINE In ten minutes this is going to be busier than Piccadilly Circus.
DOCTOR In ten minutes our killer is going to be long gone. I hope Varsh has the sense to go to ground. I shudder to think what a lynch mob would do to him. Or what he could do to the mob.
They stop running.
ABBERLINE Don’t stop for me, Doctor. I’ll keep up.
DOCTOR I’m just taking my bearings. Got it now. Wait. There. Turning the corner ahead.
ABBERLINE I see it. Got a hood on.
DOCTOR Come on.
They run off after the Ripper.
ABBERLINE He’s nippy, Doctor.
DOCTOR We can’t lose him, Fred. The consequences are unacceptable.
ABBERLINE We’re moving upmarket. He’s not East End.
DOCTOR He’s less local than you’d imagine.
ABBERLINE Brilliant. We’re getting close to the hotel.
DOCTOR Slow down. Stay in the shadows at the corner. There’s no need to go charging out advertising our presence.
ABBERLINE (Puffing heavily)Catch my breath.
DOCTOR Oh, no.
ABBERLINE What is it ?
DOCTOR He’s going into the hotel.
ABBERLINE He must have known you was looking for Varsh somehow.
DOCTOR If Tess found her way back she’ll be in there by herself. Come on.
They run on.
13.Hotel.The door bursts open.
MRS POTTER What in the devil...
DOCTOR Mrs Potter, have you seen anyone come in in the last few minutes ?
MRS POTTER I’ve been in the kitchen - haven’t moved for two hours solid. I haven’t heard a soul in ages.
The Doctor bounding up the stairs.
DOCTOR Hurry up.
MRS POTTER Well I never.
ABBERLINE Wait for me.
MRS POTTER Stop that shouting. I have guests.
DOCTOR Tess !He thumps on a door. No answer.
DOCTOR Tess ? Are you in there ?
He throws the door open.
MRS POTTER You can’t charge into a young lady’s room without so much as a...
DOCTOR Mrs Potter - be quiet.
TESS (Yawning and waking)What’s all this noise about ? Doctor, you don’t half look different.
DOCTOR I thought... never mind. As long as you’re all right.
DOCTOR What is it ?
ABBERLINE Tess’s clothes.
DOCTOR What about them ?
ABBERLINE See for yourself. They’re covered in blood.
Material being moved.
ABBERLINE And a hood. It’s her. She’s the Ripper.
Part Four
Part Three
1.Recapping from Part 2.The Doctor is snooping in the Fair.
DOCTOR Good grief.
Raps on metal.
DOCTOR Dutrenium alloy hull. Heat shielded. It’s a short-range space-transport.
He opens the door.
DOCTOR Hello ? Anybody home ? Hello ?
He creeps in. The ship’s systems buzz and hum quietly.
DOCTOR Hello ?
COMPUTER In... In... Intruder.
DOCTOR Who ? Me ? No, I’m just selling insurance. Third party, fire and theft. I’ll pop back later.
COMPUTER Intruder. Initiating defence systems.
DOCTOR No ! Wait ! Don’t...
The sound of an electronic weapon. The Doctor yells then falls hard to the deck.
COMPUTER Intruder detected and neautralised.
The sound of heavy footsteps.
VARSH So I see.
2.The hotel.Tess and Abberline are shuffling papers. Mrs Potter is bustling about, tutting.
MRS POTTER Are you two still cluttering that table with papers ?
TESS No. We’re having a sing-song just like the music halls. Join in.
MRS POTTER There’s no need for sarcasm, my girl. And I don’t approve of the music halls. Immoral places, what with those dancing girls showing their underclothes and the like.
ABBERLINE Really ? Which hall’s that than ? Must give it a look.
MRS POTTER And I expect better of you.
ABBERLINE You can’t know me very well.
MRS POTTER Well, that’s as may be, but I need this table. I’ve got other guests to feed, so I’d be obliged if you’d move these papers and books and all the rest so’s I can lay the table.
ABBERLINE We’ve had no luck anyway. We could probably use the break.
MRS POTTER What is all this anyway ?
ABBERLINE Police business, now if you don’t mind...
Rustling of papers.
MRS POTTER And what in the Good Lord’s name is that terrible symbol you’ve drawn everywhere ?(Outraged)You’ve even drawn it on the table-cloth ! That’ll be extra on your bill.
TESS Fine. We’ll keep the table-cloth, then.
MRS POTTER This is appalling. This was a respectable house before you lot came in.
TESS Moaning old...
ABBERLINE Careful. It’s a respectable house, remember ?
TESS How can I forget with that old trout buzzing about ? I thought the Doctor would be back by now.
ABBERLINE Same here. He’s a cunning one, the Doctor. He’ll be all right.
TESS I’d have thought a copper would be a better liar than that.
ABBERLINE I’m out of practice.
TESS The Doctor told us we couldn’t go with him to the Fair but he never said we couldn’t follow him.
ABBERLINE The Doctor would go potty if he heard that.
A moment’s thought.
ABBERLINE I’ll get my coat.
4.Varsh’s ship.
VARSH Status ?
COMPUTER Expected repair time, forty-three Earth hours.
VARSH Cut life-support repairs to minimum and continue.
COMPUTER Orders understood.
There’s a thump at the door of the ship. Varsh lumbers off and answers.
VARSH What is it ?
STEDGEWICK That’s a nice greeting, I must say. Aren’t you going to invite me in ? Put the kettle on ?
VARSH No. Speak if you have something to say.
STEDGEWICK Your manners is getting worse. We shall have to have a chat about that later. Meantime, keep your eyes peeled. One of the lads reckons he saw that scrote who did a runner from here yesterday. Regular clothes, black coat and all that this time, but he did reckon it was the face feller. Watch out for him. Could be the filth.
VARSH Filth ?
STEDGEWICK Peelers. Police.
VARSH I will stay alert.
STEDGEWICK One of these days I wouldn’t mind you giving me a proper look at this ship-thing of yours.
VARSH Each of us has hopes that will never come true.
Door closes loud and hard.
5.Varsh’s ship. Exterior.Stedgewick is not a happy bunny. Cassidy joins him. Grunts a greeting.
STEDGEWICK I told him, Cassidy. Told him my patience was wearing thin and all.
Grunt from Cassidy.
STEDGEWICK You’re right. We still need him.
6.Varsh’s ship. Interior.Varsh is listening to Stedgewick’s conversation. It sounds a bit muted and muffled. The communication system isn’t working at 100%.
STEDGEWICK For now, but once he’s done us a few more blags we can take him for a nice cruise and see how well the strongman swims.
VARSH Primitive imbecile.
Switches off communication system.
VARSH I will see you dead before I leave this planet. Are all humans so treacherous ?
No answer from anybody.
VARSH You, speak now. I know you have been awake for several minutes listening. Speak or I will hand you over to Stedgewick.
DOCTOR Oh, very well. Do you mind if I sit up ? This floor isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing sight in the cosmos, especially this close when you’re face down on it.
VARSH Sit if you wish.
The doctor shuffling and struggling to sit.
DOCTOR This isn’t exactly easy with these binders holding my hands behind my back. You could help, you know. Oh, suit yourself. If you knew I was awake why didn’t you say something ?
VARSH Other, more pressing tasks demanded my attention.
DOCTOR (Still struggling)Like fixing this old rust-bucket of yours ? Looks like it was a bit of a rough landing.
The Doctor has shuffled to a sitting position and is rather pleased with himself.
DOCTOR There ! That’s better. Now we can see each other. Good grief.
VARSH You find my appearance disgusting ?
DOCTOR Not a bit. I’ve seen life-forms you wouldn’t believe. Physical appearance has never been that important to me - except for my own sense of fashion of course. No, I was just wondering what one of your Order is doing on Earth working at a Fun Fair.
VARSH My Order ?
DOCTOR Look, don’t play stupid with me. I’d know that armour anywhere. You’re one of the Honourable Order of the Knights of Shenk, the most noble brotherhood of warriors is the known galaxy. And you’re a general ? Very impressive.
VARSH The rabble on this planet have barely advanced from the primal swap. How can you know of our Order ?
DOCTOR I happen to come from a different primal swamp a couple of hundred light years that way. I’d point, but it’s rather difficult like this. You’d think I’d be used to it by now, the number of times people tie me up and lob me in dungeons.
VARSH Be quiet !
DOCTOR No need to shout. Mind you, I can’t help wondering what someone as honest as you is doing robbing banks. It’s not exactly what I’d expect from a Knight of Shenk..Computer blip.
VARSH I am more interested in why you are on this planet.
DOCTOR Computer confirmed I’m not human, then ? Actually, it’s a favourite planet of mine. A home from home if you like. I drop by regularly from time to time to time. Keep an eye on the old place.
VARSH Which does not explain your interest in local robberies.
DOCTOR Personally, I couldn’t care less about the robberies. I’ve always thought money was an over-rated concept.
VARSH Interesting.
DOCTOR But what does attract my attention is murder. Particularly the sort of murders that are happening in this city just now.
VARSH I did not kill the law officer.
DOCTOR Not the policeman, though that’s inexcusable in itself. No, I mean the women who are being murdered and mutilated.
VARSH I know nothing of these women, whoever they are.
DOCTOR Whoever they are ? They were people who might not have had much of a life but it was their life. Nobody had the right to take those lives from them.
VARSH These must be the murders Stedgewick spoke of. He also assumed my guilt.
DOCTOR Are you saying you hadn’t even heard of these murders ?
VARSH Only in vague terms. I do not pay close attention to the local news...
DOCTOR Doctor. Most people call me the Doctor. On your honour as a Knight of Shenk, do you assure me that you have nothing to do with these killings ?
VARSH On my honour.
DOCTOR Well, since you’re the most honour-bound society in the galaxy, I suppose I have to believe you.
VARSH Thank you.
DOCTOR Which leaves me back at square one, without a murder suspect.
VARSH It also leaves you sitting bound on the floor of my ship.
DOCTOR Yes, would you mind doing something about that ? It really is jolly uncomfortable.
VARSH You may be assured of my honour, Doctor, but I still have questions about your intentions.
DOCTOR I refuse to be interrogated in this position. It’s a highly undignified position - particularly for a former Lord President of the High Council of Gallifrey.
VARSH A Time Lord.
DOCTOR Yes. And one who’s wondering why someone as honourable as you has taken up robbing banks. A question you’ve avoided answering so far.
VARSH How much do you know of the rules and traditions of our Order, Doctor ?
DOCTOR Only a little, I must admit. You tend to be a secretive lot.
VARSH Which you as a Time Lord will understand only too well.
DOCTOR Touche. All right. You’re an Order of warrior knights who go looking for battles like mercenaries, except that you fight for honour instead of money. You’ve protected planets and peoples and across half of this side of the galaxy.
VARSH And made many enemies.
DOCTOR And a lot of friends, too. Billions of life forms out there owe their existence to you. That’s not to be forgotten in a hurry.
VARSH Did you know that the Knights of Shenk do not eat, Doctor ?
DOCTOR Can’t say I did.
VARSH Long ago, our founders decided that eating was an inefficient way of ingesting the nutrients our bodies need. They devised an alternative.
Varsh removes the glass phial he got from Stedgewick earlier.
DOCTOR That ? Hardly very appetising, is it ? Murky green gunk in a little jar.
VARSH It is all that keeps me alive. I was returning from a small planet, Brora Feta.
DOCTOR Ah, the pleasure world. I know it well.
VARSH It had been under attack from raiders for quite some time.
DOCTOR And you dealt with the raiders.
VARSH Swiftly, but while on Brora Feta I discovered that a crime organisation we had fought on many worlds had placed a bounty on the Knights of Shenk. Assassins and bounty hunters across the galaxy have been sent to track down and exterminate our brotherhood.
DOCTOR One of them caught up with you, I take it.
VARSH In a sneak ambush. A dishonourable tactic. I crashed on this miserable planet and was found by an even more miserable human.
DOCTOR This Stedgewick fellow ?
VARSH He found me exhausted and crawling towards my supply of nutrients. He quickly discovered that if he controlled the nutrients, he could control me.
DOCTOR And he’s been using you to commit these robberies.
VARSH And act like an animal in his show. I would have taken the honourable route and finished my own life except for the fact that I must find a way of returning to my brothers - or at least find a way of alerting them.
DOCTOR I might be able to help you there.
VARSH You have a ship.
DOCTOR Yes. Not far from here. But I can’t leave without finding this killer first. Perhaps if I knew what that symbol he cuts onto the shoulders of his victims means.
VARSH The killer cuts a symbol into his prey’s shoulders ? Describe it.
DOCTOR Ornate. A straight line with curls from one end and a sort of shell spiral at the other. Do you recognise it ? You do.
VARSH The signature of a Jopar Assassin.DOCTOR I assume that’s who made you crash here in the first place.
VARSH It is also a challenge. The way in which they draw their target into the open.
DOCTOR Either you face him or he’ll carry on killing innocent people.
VARSH I must take the challenge.
DOCTOR Poppycock. What you must do is let me contact the police so that we can catch the villain.
VARSH This must be honourable. If I should die tonight, Doctor, tell my people what you know.
DOCTOR Varsh, wait. Stop.
Door closes.
DOCTOR At least untie me.
7.The Fair.Varsh lumbers out.STEDGEWICK Varsh, what’ve I told you ? Don’t come out in public. There’s punters about. Where’s the shock for them if they already seen you out here ? Get back in th...
Stedgewick is choked off. Varsh has him by the gullet and is squeezing.
STEDGEWICK (Choking badly)Let go. Put me down.
VARSH You will give me the full supply of nutrient you stole from my ship or I will snap your neck.
STEDGEWICK (Still choking)Not a chance.
The choking gets more pronounced.
VARSH Cassidy. Get the nutrients or your master dies here.
A crowd is gathering, and chattering.
VARSH Is this a good show for the public, Stedgewick ? Am I showing enough strength ? Or should I lift you from the ground with one hand ?
The choking gets even more pronounced.STEDGEWICK (Barely understandable)Get it, Cass. Get him what he wants.
Cassidy grunts assent and runs off.
VARSH Wise, Stedgewick. You may live to see another morning.
Stedgewick chokes until Cassidy returns a few seconds later, grunting.
VARSH Give it to me.
Cassidy grunts and hands it over. The sound of a glass phial being applied. The crowd is still muttering and mumbling. Varsh sighs.
VARSH At last.
He throws Stedgewick down.
VARSH Stay away from my ship - it is programmed to defend itself against intruders.
Varsh stomps away through the crowd. Cassidy grunts as he tries to help a gasping Stedgewick.
STEDGEWICK (Still struggling for breath)Get off of me ! He won’t get away with this, Cass. Not by a long chalk. Nobody treats Orville Stedgewick like that and gets away with it.(Loud, to the public)Stop him. Don’t let him get away.
WORKER 1 Too late. He’s gone, sir.
STEDGEWICK Call the police. Get the police. He’s Jack the Ripper. Varsh is the Ripper.
Screams of horror.
8.Fair.There’s a general melee.
ABBERLINE What the hell’s happening here ?
TESS We’ll never find the Doctor in all this.
ABBERLINE We’ll find him. And this killer and all.
TESS You didn’t last time.
ABBERLINE We told you, we can’t talk about the Ripper.
TESS Not the Ripper. My dad.
TESS You was in charge of investigating my mum’s death. I told you my old man killed her. I told you over and over but you didn’t listen. He got away with it.
ABBERLINE Oaks ? Rosie Oaks ? She was your mum ?
TESS And you let my dad walk even though you knew he killed her. I saw it in your face. You knew.
ABBERLINE Knowing something and proving it are two different things. I didn’t have enough evidence to nick him.
TESS Liar. You could have had him if you wanted to.
ABBERLINE Not without proof. You was just a nipper. No court would have listened to you.
TESS He almost killed me for telling you. You’re useless. I’m better off on me own.
Tess hurrying through a crowd.
ABBERLINE Wait. Tess. Wait. Damn ! Lost her. Damn crowd.
9.Varsh’s ship.The Doctor is struggling with his bonds.
DOCTOR Whatever else they do, the Order of Shenk make first class wrist binders. I don’t suppose you’d be a good little computer and tell me what the release code is.
No answer.
DOCTOR Didn’t think so. I hope your circuits fry and you get melted down to make a coffee machine. Never mind, I’ll manage.
Struggling, huffing and puffing.
DOCTOR Or perhaps I’ll pop outside and get some help.
COMPUTER Do - Do not try to leave the shi - ship or...
The Doctor boots the computer system - heftily.
DOCTOR Do be quiet.
A complaining sound from the computer. The door opens and the Doctor yells as he falls out.
10.The Fair outside Varsh’s ship.The Doctor lands loudly and wetly in the mud.
ABBERLINE Doctor. Fancy you dropping in like this.
DOCTOR Fred ! Don’t just stand there man, help me up.
The Doctor struggling to his feet.
ABBERLINE Somehow I always knew you’d wind up in cuffs.
DOCTOR We don’t have time for jokes. Help me get these off.
ABBERLINE I wasn’t joking. Fancy stuff, these.
DOCTOR Let’s have a proper look. Simple algorithm sequence. Key in 8 - 7 - 4 - 4 -7 - 1 -2 - 5 - 5 - 6.
Cuffs open.
ABBERLINE You could make a mint on the halls with a trick like that.
DOCTOR A wild guess. We have to find Varsh quickly.
ABBERLINE Us and the rest of London. This Stedgewick feller who owns this place just told the police Varsh is the Ripper. Attacked him in public before scarpering.
DOCTOR Varsh isn’t the Ripper. Quite the reverse. He’s gone looking for the killer.
ABBERLINE What the hell for ?
DOCTOR It’s a long story. I’ll tell you on the way back to Whitechapel. Where’s Tess, by the way ?
ABBERLINE That’s my long story for telling on the way back.
11.London. East End.A police whistle sounds in the distance. It’s now obviously night. Footsteps hurry by.
COPPER Turn those lamps up full, lads. We’ll need all the light we can get tonight. From what I hear, he’s a big one. Don’t want him creeping up on us.
Footsteps head away. After a moment, Varsh sighs heavily and his heavy footsteps hurry across the street.
VARSH Stedgewick.
Varsh’s careful footsteps pick their way along the street until he stops. A gate creaks open and he walks in.
VARSH I know you are here, Jopar coward.
The sound of a knife being pulled clean.
VARSH Come out of the shadows and face me with honour. Or do you prefer killing defenceless women in the dark ? It is all you are fit for.
A shuffling sound in the shadows.
VARSH Are you proud of this ? Another mutilation ?
The sound of a scuffle. Varsh is being attacked. He yells in pain but the fight continues. After a few moments there’s the sound of a copper outside.
COPPER Wait up. I hear something in here.
Gate opens.
COPPER Shine your light this way. Oh, my God.
The Ripper’s footsteps disappear away and then a fence is scrambled over.
COPPER Right, you. Stop there.
Varsh’s heavy footsteps thud away. Policeman blows his whistle loud and repeatedly. Footsteps run up.
DOCTOR What happened ?
COPPER Inspector Abberline.
ABBERLINE (Puffing)Tell the man, Goodge.
COPPER I was passing, and I heard something in here. A sort of scuffling. We looked in and there was two of them. They was fighting. One was huge. Never seen nobody like it, but the other one was small and quick. Had a hood on over his head.
DOCTOR Which way did they go ?
COPPER Over the fence at the back of the yard. I should have chased them but...
ABBERLINE You did right, lad. Stay here till more of the lads arrive.
DOCTOR Hurry up, Fred. The trail’s getting cold.
The Doctor runs and scrambles over the fence. Abberline follows more slowly.
ABBERLINE I’m too old for this.
12.East End.Abberline drops heavily to land beside the Doctor.
ABBERLINE Which way, Doctor ?
DOCTOR Blind alley to the left, locked doors to the right. Straight on.
They run on.
ABBERLINE In ten minutes this is going to be busier than Piccadilly Circus.
DOCTOR In ten minutes our killer is going to be long gone. I hope Varsh has the sense to go to ground. I shudder to think what a lynch mob would do to him. Or what he could do to the mob.
They stop running.
ABBERLINE Don’t stop for me, Doctor. I’ll keep up.
DOCTOR I’m just taking my bearings. Got it now. Wait. There. Turning the corner ahead.
ABBERLINE I see it. Got a hood on.
DOCTOR Come on.
They run off after the Ripper.
ABBERLINE He’s nippy, Doctor.
DOCTOR We can’t lose him, Fred. The consequences are unacceptable.
ABBERLINE We’re moving upmarket. He’s not East End.
DOCTOR He’s less local than you’d imagine.
ABBERLINE Brilliant. We’re getting close to the hotel.
DOCTOR Slow down. Stay in the shadows at the corner. There’s no need to go charging out advertising our presence.
ABBERLINE (Puffing heavily)Catch my breath.
DOCTOR Oh, no.
ABBERLINE What is it ?
DOCTOR He’s going into the hotel.
ABBERLINE He must have known you was looking for Varsh somehow.
DOCTOR If Tess found her way back she’ll be in there by herself. Come on.
They run on.
13.Hotel.The door bursts open.
MRS POTTER What in the devil...
DOCTOR Mrs Potter, have you seen anyone come in in the last few minutes ?
MRS POTTER I’ve been in the kitchen - haven’t moved for two hours solid. I haven’t heard a soul in ages.
The Doctor bounding up the stairs.
DOCTOR Hurry up.
MRS POTTER Well I never.
ABBERLINE Wait for me.
MRS POTTER Stop that shouting. I have guests.
DOCTOR Tess !He thumps on a door. No answer.
DOCTOR Tess ? Are you in there ?
He throws the door open.
MRS POTTER You can’t charge into a young lady’s room without so much as a...
DOCTOR Mrs Potter - be quiet.
TESS (Yawning and waking)What’s all this noise about ? Doctor, you don’t half look different.
DOCTOR I thought... never mind. As long as you’re all right.
DOCTOR What is it ?
ABBERLINE Tess’s clothes.
DOCTOR What about them ?
ABBERLINE See for yourself. They’re covered in blood.
Material being moved.
ABBERLINE And a hood. It’s her. She’s the Ripper.
Part Four